Our blogs

Zebras learning, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 6th May 2022 @ 5:34pm

This week in science we have continued to explore materials, thinking about how we could group different objects so that they were the same in some way. In English we enjoyed working in groups thinking about questions we could ask about our story , The mouse, the frog and the little red hen. In maths we have been  grouping objects equally and trying to think of different ways to create equal groups with 12 objects.

We are looking forward to our trip to Southport on Wednesday and compared swimming outfits in history, we’re glad we don’t wear woollen costumes!

Panda's at work, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 5th May 2022 @ 7:48am

The Pandas have had another very busy week of learning.

In History the children used photographs to find out about railways in Victorian times. They also looked at some reports from passengers in first and second class carriages to learn about the conditions they travelled in.

Maths this week has been all about fractions, finding 3 quarters, learning that half and 2 quarters are the same and learning to count in fractions.

In English the children really enjoyed planning and writing their own space themed stories bringing to an end our work looking at Man on the Moon - a day in the life of Bob by Simon Bartram.Sewing became a little trickier this week as we revisited threading needles and then using running stitch to join 2 pieces of felt together. 

Thank you to all of the children who did the mathletics homework last week. This week the homework is a comprehension to complete on Reading Eggs - we have been practising comprehension skills in Guided Reading this week. Well done too for all of the super reading that is being done at home. You are all reading stars. 

Lions, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 2nd May 2022 @ 1:03pm

Hello I hope you are having a lovely long weekend. Thank you for the homework photos that have been sent in, it is lovely to see the children enjoying their challenges. I will ensure they are shared with the class.

Well done to our star readers for last week!

A great big thank you to our wonderful super secret reader. The lions thoroughly enjoyed their story.

Please continue to send in egg boxes (half dozen boxes) the lions are enjoying creating their double decker buses.

I have included a picture of our story words from last week. Can you guess which story they were from? I wonder if the lions can remember what the words mean as well as the action we used for each one.

As well as our topic we are also learning about sunflowers. The children may come home with facts to share with you. Please share with us any facts that you know so we can add them to our learning wall. Our aim is to become sunflower experts! Any pictures would also be very welcome.

Thank you

Mrs. Thomson




Superstar Zebras!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 28th Apr 2022 @ 12:27pm

This week we have carried on with learning all about materials. We used our senses to look and feel what the materials were like. We then thought of words to describe them like, bendy, hard, rough , transparent. We also worked with a partner to describe objects and then try to guess what it was. 

Of course we have also been busy practising for our class assembly , a big well done fantastic Zebras, you were amazing!!???

Hope you enjoyed it and enjoy the extra holiday!! 

Leyland Commercial Vehicle Museum - more pictures., by Mrs Thomson

Date: 27th Apr 2022 @ 11:09pm

More pictures to see!

Exciting Science, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 27th Apr 2022 @ 9:55pm

This week we explored the question How do cactus plants survive in the desert with no water?

We started the session by looking at some huge cacti plants that Mrs Fletcher's dad has grown from seed. Careful observations were made and lots of discussions had.

Great fun was then had using water, kitchen roll and wax paper to investigate how cacti survive.

Ask your child to tell you what we did.


Thank you everyone for all of the amazing reading you are doing. It is so important to read as much as we can , it really is the key to everything.

Enjoy the bank holiday weekend. 

Leyland Commercial Vehicle Museum, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 26th Apr 2022 @ 11:21pm

We all had a lovely day at the museum today. The children were very excited on the coach going to the museum but by the end of the day they had also sat in vehicles powered by horse, steam, diesel, petrol and electricity. They became fire fighters, engineers, drivers, passengers and even ice cream sellers. We climbed on board the pope mobile and even saw a car which belonged to the Queens grandfather.

We had lots of finding to do and then joined in with an interactive story about Tiggi the tiger. We have lots more pictures to follow tomorrow from the other school iPads.

Excellent detectives!!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 22nd Apr 2022 @ 5:42pm

This week, armed with iPads , we were off to find things made from different materials. We looked inside and outside and took photos , we found all sorts.

In phonics we enjoyed looking for ‘ir’ words hidden around. We had to find them and then sound them out and write them down. 

We have also been busy practising for our class assembly next week, on Thursday morning, you are all invited!

Have a lovely weekend??

Lion Adventures., by Mrs Thomson

Date: 22nd Apr 2022 @ 12:57pm

The lions have had a busy week and I must say that it is lovely to be back! We have had lots and lots to catch up on!

Our topic for this half term is called Ticket to Ride. We are looking at transport and vehicles, past and present. We will complete a DT project, be historians, work as scientists and explore and be curious on our class trip next week. (I had a fantastic time last week when I visited the transport museum and I think the lions will love it also).

We are working very hard in class. We are working on our phonics everyday and then using what we have learnt in our writing and reading. Please do try to hear your child read every day and also go through their word and sound cards as often as possible. It is really important that you sign the reading record book and add a comment each time your child reads.

I have attached a list of words from one of the stories we have read this week. Please ask your child if they can remember the actions. We then tried to say the word, do the action,  clap and stamp our feet in between each word. Have a go!

You could also ask what mischief the naughty bus got up to in class today!

A new homework pick and mix document is now on the google classroom. I hope you enjoy the activities, they are all linked to our learning this half term.

Over the weekend please save and send into school any half dozen egg boxes and also any small shoe boxes.

Thank you

Mrs. Thomson

Welcome Back, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 21st Apr 2022 @ 8:29pm

Welcome back to school and to the start of the summer term. It has been a busy week for the Pandas. They have started looking at books by the author Simon Bartram in English. The first book being looked at is Man on the Moon ( a day in the life of Bob) , the children have found out informaton from looking at an illustartion, they have written questions, listened to the story and written a character profile of Bob, In spelling the children have been looking at what happens to words ending in y when you add the suffies -ing, -ed, -er and -est.

In maths the children have been brushing up their addition and subtraction skills as their warm up activities and  then have been learning about fractions. We have started our new geography topic by looking at physical and human geographical features. Our new DT projet has begun and lots pf fu was had as all of the children tried their hands at sewing , learning how to do running stitch. 


Thak you to the parents who came along to the SATs meeting tonight . The PowerPoint has been uploaded onto the class website page and is also on Google Classroom.

The new subject organiser and time table for this term have also been uploaded. 

Welcome back - The Summer Term, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 18th Apr 2022 @ 9:09pm

I hope you have all had an enjoyable Easter holidays; plenty of rest, relaxation, fun and lots of easter egg eating of course!

I'm looking forward to hearing all about your adventures.

We have lots to look forward to this half term, it is going to be an action packed 6 weeks.

Please keep checking back on the blog for photos of what we have been getting up to.

Information about our learning this half term can be found on our main class page and also on google classroom.  These documents will be uploaded this week. 

Please come and speak to myself or Mrs Atkinson if you have any questions or queries, we will be happy to help. 

Mrs Catterall

Spring fun!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 1st Apr 2022 @ 4:58pm

Well done to all those children who made an Easter bonnet, they all looked fantastic.

Today the sun shone for our Spring walk to the Brickcroft but it was a bit chilly!

We did manage to spot lots of flowers and trees that we have been learning about at school.

Thank you to all our lovely helpers, have a great Easter, don’t eat too many eggs!


More photos!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 30th Mar 2022 @ 5:01pm

Photos of capacity work! I tried to put too many on?

Busy busy!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 30th Mar 2022 @ 4:21pm

This week in maths we have been finding out about volume, how full or empty a container is and capacity , how big or small the container is. We filled up different containers with a spoon and then a cup. The spoon took ages...because it holds less!

A very exciting week in DT we got to make our own smoothies! We have been chopping, slicin, blitzing and loving it!!! Of course we also got to taste too- delicious!

Dont forget the Brickcroft on Friday... warm coats I think!

R.E. Oscar Romero crosses, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 28th Mar 2022 @ 7:03pm

D.T. Making biscuits, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 28th Mar 2022 @ 6:59pm

Elephants you were amazing. You worked well in a team making sure everyone had a go.  

Our super swimmer, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 28th Mar 2022 @ 6:58pm

Congratulations to Thomas on winning all these gold medals at his recent swimming competition.

We are all really proud of you. 

D.T. Biscuit tasting, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 28th Mar 2022 @ 6:56pm

Fractions, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 28th Mar 2022 @ 6:55pm

We’ve been playing fraction dominoes.

This weeks amazing learning, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 25th Mar 2022 @ 2:36pm

This week in maths we have enjoyed finding out about mass, how much things weigh and wether they are heavy or light. We used balance scales to watch what happened too, we thought they were a bit like a seesaw. We have enjoyed the sunshine with some fun phonics outside. In DT today we loved trying smoothies, they tasted delicious.We had to be smoothie detectives and work out what was in each one. Then we tried each ingredient , described them and ticked if we liked it or not. We can’t wait till next week when we get to prepare and chop up fruit to put in smoothies ourselves! Have a go at  the weekend at making your own smoothie , tell me all about it on Monday. 

On Monday we will be changing school library books , don’t forget to bring them in so you can have a new one for the holidays.

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine?

Year 2 Trip, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 11th Mar 2022 @ 2:59pm

We had another wonderful trip yesterday when we visited the Preston Gujarat Society.

We were in awe of the beautiful ceiling and enjoyed learning more about Hinduism in a working temple.


Day 2 Malham, by Mr Pearson

Date: 7th Mar 2022 @ 7:46am

Busy busy, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 2:04pm

This week we have continued to find out more about plants, naming  and identifying plants that grow in the garden.We looked around school too to see what was growing.Have a look in your garden over the weekend - what can you see? Can you name them? How can you find out what they are? In DT this week a good link to our Science work, we were sorting items into fruit or vegetable. We learnt that if they have seeds they are a fruit, we enjoyed tasting some! ??

Day 1 Malham, by Mr Pearson

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 2:40am

Day 1

World Book Day, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 3rd Mar 2022 @ 4:33pm

Thank you Year 6 for an amazing World Book Day . I have loved every minute of it and am so proud of uou all. Following the assembly we took some time to share the Christain parable of the Good Samaritan. Whilst listening to the story we thought about how we can be kind and helpful and later in the day have been working with Mrs Morrison to create some beautiful reflection work.

The bulk of our day involved working thriugh a project with MC Grammar. We have sorted books into the order in which they appeared in the song, thought about books we have enjoyed and then identifoed characters we could include in our own rap/songs. You all did an amazing job writing your own verses. We will get them typed up to share.

Thank you for being amazing

Mrs Fletcher

PS ( sorry) homework will be given out tomorrow. It will be on paper this week. As I am a day late handing it out please can I ask that your named work is handed in on Wednesday next week.