Our blogs

Science - digestion, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 23rd Feb 2022 @ 9:33pm

Before half term we explored our digestive system by modelling what happens to our food.

The children all took part and had great fun, as you can see it was a messy and gooey job.  Luckily this happens inside our bodies! 

Welcome Back, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 23rd Feb 2022 @ 3:05pm

Welcome back to school Panda's. I hope you all had a lovely half term break. Miss Eglin has now joined our lovely tribe and is working hard to make learning fun for you all. I will be popping in to see you all and also to do writing with you on Tuesday afternoons.

Your homework for this week is on Google Classroom and is a revision task in Maths.

The new subject organiser for this half term is now on the class page . 

Class Compliment Afternoon, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 14th Feb 2022 @ 3:08pm

The Lions had a lovely afternoon on Thursday celebrating their achievement of completing their class compliment stars.

They sang and danced, had hot chocolate in their pyjamas, ate cupcakes and crisps and then danced some more. After a class vote they watched a Disney film for the last twenty minutes of the day after a quick energy burst in the ball cage.

Good luck Lions achieving even more class compliments! 

Have a great half term, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 1:46pm

Pandas, you have had an amazing half term . You have worked hard , had fun and of course we had our wonderful trip to Manchester Airport.

Next term Miss Eglin will be joining our teamafter half term and I know that she is looking forward to it very much.

Make sure you all have a great break and I am looking forward to seeing what you have been up to in your holiday passports. 

Finished windmills, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 10th Feb 2022 @ 3:50pm

Some of our finished wonderful windmills??

Safer Internet Day, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 9th Feb 2022 @ 10:44pm

Tuesday 8th February was Safer Internet Day. The Pandas took part in a Vtes for Schools discussion. They discussed the question  Is the Internet bad for friendships?

They reached the conclusion that the internet is good for somethings but it is still better to play with people face to face. Our discussion went on to playing games online with people that we do not really know and how we have to make sure we are safe.

This lead to us watching the first episode of a series of internet safety stories called Hectors World where we learnt about not giving our details online to people we do not know. If you would like to share the rest of these stories with your chld this is the link. 

episode 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snbQ3GTXogo

episode 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUAXS3P9sDE

episode 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sk6ac-s5pL0

episode 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9uLTG3jrvA

episode 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQPZh_J3C-A

episode 6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYytzjmeyQU

Great Learning!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 9th Feb 2022 @ 10:05pm

Our week is not yet over but I thought you would like to see what the lions have been busy learning. We have made fossils and learnt how palaeontologists could tell what dinosaurs looked like, ate and what they predicted their world looked like because of the fossils they found.

We have been learning a poem about our class pet, Tim the Triceratops and we enjoying putting actions to it.

Today we had a visit from a Police dog handler. They met Maverick and Goose. The children listened and also asked great questions showing their curiosity -

Do you bath the dogs?

Why do they not share a crate in your car?

How fast do they run?

We did PE this morning with lots of climbing, balancing, slithering, jumping and crawling.

Wonderful windmills!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 9th Feb 2022 @ 5:43pm

We have been working hard in DT designing and making windmills.We finished them yesterday and enjoyed sharing our designs with our friends. It had to stand up, Have turbines and an axle.

In art we have enjoyed finishing off our terrific texture pictures.We have made cold landscapes and they look great!

Today we also had an exciting visitor to school, a police dog handler who bought his dogs, Maverick and Goose.We enjoyed meeting them and learnt how clever they are at helping the police.

Home work for the holidays is the holiday passport, I do enjoy reading what you get up to in the holidays.Books I have  will come on Thursday, quite a few children must have them still at home, please  help the children complete 2 pages with pictures, photos, writing,posters ,stickers however you want to do it! 

Dont forget the valentine shop at school to tomorrow and the disco in the evening.Busy Busy!! 

Class Compliment Treat, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 8th Feb 2022 @ 10:16pm

The Lions have completed their first class compliment challenge sheet. Their class efforts, team work and behaviour have been noticed around school and visitors and school staff from other classes have awarded compliments.

After some wonderful conversations and truly amazing ideas from the children we have decided that we will have a treat afternoon on Thursday. Please send pyjamas or a onesie into school on Thursday in a named carrier bag. After lunch the children can get changed, have treats, do some party dancing and watch a short film.

This week the children have made fossils, learnt a tongue twister about Mary Anning, made carnivore and herbivore teeth and have been pactising their numbers in shaving foam! We have been getting a little messy recently!

The children are shining with their reading and phonics! 

Thank you

Mrs. Thomson


Assembly blog, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 6th Feb 2022 @ 3:07pm

Today in assembly on Tuesday we talked about, animals and how they are the same and if they work well together. The animals we saw were penguins, dolphins and whales, zebras and ostriches and a crocodile and a bird. We also talked about when it’s important to work together.


Our Thursday picture news assembly asked the question ‘What type of events do you think deserve a celebration?’ This question came about as the Queen announced a special competition ahead of her Platinum Jubilee later this year.  On the 6th February Queen Elizabeth will have reigned for 70 years!

The competition is to design a pudding.  There will also be a 4 day bank holiday in June and other events too.  We all like celebrating birthdays and weddings and fireworks.

Harry Potter book night, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 6th Feb 2022 @ 2:54pm

Thank you to the children who came to our Harry Potter night. We enjoyed lots of activities to celebrate 25 years of Harry Potter!

Brickcroft bird spotting LPS+, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 6th Feb 2022 @ 2:48pm

Art work, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 6th Feb 2022 @ 2:45pm

Winter walk, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 4th Feb 2022 @ 4:10pm

Today we had a great walk to the Brickcroft, we saw lots of birds and squirrels.We enjoyed feeding the ducks and the other birds too. We were glad of hot chocolate too warm us up as it was cold!! We also saw trees without leaves as well as some evergreen trees. A lovely morning.

A big thank you to all our helpers for coming along with us, my iPad died unfortunately so not   too many photos but you will get the flavour. Have a lovely weekend ?

A new class member!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 4th Feb 2022 @ 7:00am

Yesterday the children were amazed to find a new class member waiting for them in the outside shed. (Please ask the children who Tim is and how they found him with Miss. Lynch!)

We had a great day which started with dance, some amazing phonics work, a wonderful super secret reader, an outdoor science experiment and then finding Tim! The children were wonderful explorers and scientists!

I do apologise but I have not written down our super secret reader for next week - please could you pop in or phone Linda just to remind me what time you are able to come along next week. Also we have no readers on our list for after half term. You would be most welcome into school for your first or second visit so please let any one of us know in the classroom or contact me through google classroom to book a specific date which works for you. I would love to keep this amazing experience going all year!


Thank you

Mrs. Thomson

Terrific Tuesday!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 1st Feb 2022 @ 10:20pm

Lots of adventures for the lions today. A morning of dance with our visitor from The Blue Moose Dance Company. The children created dragon and lion dances.

Super learning in our phonics and maths lessons in class! Lots of team points were given out to our super stars.

This afternoon we had a visit from the fire fighters at Penwortham. We learnt a lot, listened and also asked lots of questions. After looking at the fire engine we have a lot to add to our project class engine!

The children enjoyed trying out the water hose and we all got a little wet! Especially when one of our very own lions got a little mischievous with the help of the fire fighter!

Science - where do our organs go?, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 1st Feb 2022 @ 7:09am

We started our lesson by thinking about how our organs are arranged, what they are called and what function they have as part of our digestive system.  

After some research and explanations we were able to create a model of our digestive system and label it. 

Outdoor Fun!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 31st Jan 2022 @ 9:39pm

Today we had a busy afternoon. We started to make our own fire engine, we had fun using the hosepipe, buckets and squirty bottles and also created some smaller engines with our friends. Penwortham fire station are hoping to visit us tomorrow afternoon and they are very keen to see our work, talk about how they help people and show us the fire engine. 

In the morning we have a very special team of dancers coming to show us dances for Chinese New Year. We are all very excited.

Super Research, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 31st Jan 2022 @ 8:59pm

Well done Panda's you really impressd me with your IT skills today. You all did an amazing job logging onto your chrome books and then researching famous landmarks in Europe. 

Assembly blog, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 30th Jan 2022 @ 10:48pm

In our assembly on Tuesday, we talked about a picture and how old it was and how we knew it was old then Mrs Catterall told us a story about the boy in the old picture. Next, we saw a picture of a light  bulb, then an old film projector, after we saw a picture of a phonograph and a gramophone. We then discovered that the boy in the first picture was Thomas Edison and he invented all of the other items in the pictures. We discussed how he would have needed to work hard, that there would have been failures along the way but he kept going. We reflected on when we have had to be like Thomas Edison today and how if we come across something which is tricky or hard work we shouldn’t give up. 

In our assembly on Thursday we talked about Rose off strictly come dancing and how well she did because she is part deaf. We also talked how many people want to learn sign language. This is in the news because people were voting for it to be recognised as an official language in law. We also asked if anyone knew any parts of sign language, year 3 and year 4 performed the rainbow song to the school, they have been learning it during their LPS+ lessons. We also talked about which is more important touch, sound, smell, taste, hear or sight.

Lucie and Evie

Musical talent, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 30th Jan 2022 @ 10:38pm

We have really enjoyed our musical performances this week.


videos to follow.

Projects, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 30th Jan 2022 @ 10:36pm

Thank you to all those people who brought in a project. 

Science, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 30th Jan 2022 @ 10:34pm

We looked at the teeth of different animals and then used what we knew about the function of different teeth to decide whether an animal was a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore.

We were unsure where to place the frog.  Evie did a bit of research and discovered a frog is a carnivore but a tadpole is a herbivore. 

Zebras amazing learning, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 5:53pm

In Art we have been combining our new skills, mixing shade of colour and adding texture.We have created the background to our cold pictures ready to add more deatail, they are looking great! In English we have finished our leaflet on our cold theme parks, we have had some fabulous ideas, all of the would persuade me to go!  In Geography today we enjoyed finding out about the equator and where hot and cold places are.

Mrs Woolley told us all about Burns Night , we tasted haggis and made short bread, don’t forget to return your completed bird watch surveys so Mrs Woolley can send them off to the RSPB.

Today Samuel shared with the class how he is raising money for the charity Stand by me by taking part in February on the floor. He is sleeping on the floor a couple of nights to raise awareness of how not all children in the world have a comfortable bed to sleep in when they go to sleep. The Zebras thought this was great idea , if you want to join in visit the website, Stand by me charity for more information. Or you might even like to sponsor Samuel and help children not as lucky as us.

Have a great weekend ??

Fantastic art, by Mr Pearson

Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 9:34am

lots of new skills being developed in art.