Our blogs
Delicious Bolognese, by Mr Pearson
Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 5:51am
The end of our DT project, with the Meerkat chefs.
Wonderful Wednesday!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 26th Jan 2022 @ 8:41pm
The lions have been working very hard on their ‘Amazing Animals’ topic. Over the last few days they have made up a poem and today we have put actions to it. We are hoping to perform this in assembly on Monday - we love an adventure and a challenge!
We have been looking at time, daytime and night time. We have been sequencing our day and today everyone had a clock. We worked very hard at showing o clock. I am sure the children will be happy to talk about this and even show you on a clock at home.
Assembly blog, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 23rd Jan 2022 @ 1:48pm
In our assembly on Tuesday we focused on dreams and goals. We are learning to face the big fears of our mountains / challenges. We read a story about a rescue dog that helps in the cold misty mountains and a little boys life, that story taught us not to give up.
On Thursday we had our picture news assembly with the question - is it ever fair to treat others differently because of their looks? We discussed that a Chinese footballer had to cover up his tattoo and he had no choice. We also thought about other jobs like nurses, soldiers and chefs etc. We talked about how it’s not right to judge people by their looks or their culture.
Lucy year 6
Photo's from last Term, by Mrs Leigh
Date: 21st Jan 2022 @ 1:44pm
Here are some photographs from our learning in the Autumn term.
Manchester Airport Trip, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 20th Jan 2022 @ 4:37pm
The Pandas have had a wonderful day visiting The Runway Visitor Park at Manchester Airport.
The trip was organised to enhance learning about ways we can travel to Europe and as part of our LPS+ curriculum to learn about future careers.
Well we certainly learnt about aeroplanes, we learnt about concord, DC10's just to name 2. We saw planes take off and land including the worlds largets passenger plane the A380. The pilots even waved to us as they taxied past. After our outdoor session we went into a classroom inside the front of a Monarch DC10. The children learnt about so many different careers linked to aviation such as pilots, cabin crew, air traffic control, the emergency services that are on site just to name a few. As we left the airport the children were very excited to share with their famlies today's exciting adventure.
Class Assembly, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 20th Jan 2022 @ 10:58am
The elephants shone brightly this morning putting on their class assembly for their families. Thank you for coming to watch, the children loved being able to share this eexperience with you.
I’m sure you will agree they did a brilliant job. I am very proud of them, they spoke clearly and with confidence.
Amazing Animals!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 19th Jan 2022 @ 11:29pm
The Lions are really enjoying their new topic for this half term - Amazing Animals. We are now looking at owls, bats and other nocturnal animals. We have a vetinary surgery in class and we have been creating art with papier-mâché, charcoal and now pom pom pegs.
We had a special talk today from the dental hygienist and we looked at healthy and unhealthy snacks. In the coming weeks we are having a visit from Penwortham fire station and we are also going shopping to Booths to look at healthy foods where we will take a shopping list to buy and try some fruit and vegetables back in school. We also have a special dance team coming to work with us for Chinese New Year. Busy! Busy! Lots of adventures and new challenges!
A huge thank you for our super special readers! Please let us know if you would be interested in coming to read a story. We really appreciate your help and support.
A big thank you to Mrs. Musgrove who got us a very special and inspiring message from Captain Polar Preet. We have been talking about adventures, challenges and the South Pole so this was wonderful to share in class. The photographs we viewed online were amazing.
Almost finished! Thank you for the wonderful projects we have received (the children will share these in class and they will be displayed in school) and also a big thank you for the reading you are doing at home. The children are doing very well and they are very proud.
Please look on Google Classrooms for a new spring homework pick and mix.
Reminder - books that were borrowed from Longton Library now need to be returned please.
Thank you,
Mrs. Thomson
Projects, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 17th Jan 2022 @ 8:36pm
A few children have been asking about projects. These can be linked to any area of the curriculum, please look at the subject organiser on our main class page to see our learning for this half term. Projects can also be linked to something they are personally interested in.
I’m looking forward to seeing them next week.
Swimming, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 17th Jan 2022 @ 8:31pm
Remember your swimming kits and T.shirt and shorts on Tuesday.
Class Compliment, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 16th Jan 2022 @ 3:11pm
We had a fantastic afternoon playing games. Great fun, laughs and giggles as well as great team work. Well done Elephants.
Assembly blog, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 16th Jan 2022 @ 3:09pm
On Tuesday in assembly, we were taking about what our Jigsaw lessons are all about - Friendships, how to be respectful, ways to keep safe, working together as a team, how our bodies change as we get older. This half term our topic is all about dreams and goals. We also mentioned what we might want to do in the future for a job. We thought about how the journey to this might be a bit of a roller coaster, there can be ups and downs and sometimes people change direction to end up doing a different job than the one they first wanted. But all the way we have to remember our learning powers to work hard and self improve, to show commitment, resilience and perseverance.
On Thursday our picture news assembly was all about the James Webb Telescope. This is in the news this week because NASA have sent it up into space to find out what our Universe looks like.
I wonder if when we grow up we might get to go into space ourselves. Does anyone want to be an astronaut? Scientists, engineers, designers will all work together to design the space telescope, it takes a long time to create and test. These people both boys and girls will have had to use their learning powers like we talked about in assembly on Tuesday.
Van Gogh exhibition, by Mr Pearson
Date: 13th Jan 2022 @ 11:26am
Some short films of our visit tk the Van Gogh exhibition in Manchester.
Longton Guide to Reading, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 12th Jan 2022 @ 8:47pm
This video shows you how we teach reading in the Lions and then how you can share a book for pleasure with your child.
Meerkat, by Mr Pearson
Date: 12th Jan 2022 @ 4:03pm
A wonderful day in Manchester at the Imperial War Museum and the Van Gogh exhibition at Media City.
Happy New Year!, by Mr Kennedy
Date: 7th Jan 2022 @ 8:51am
We hope you all had a safe, warm and loving Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
It goes without saying, that I am very happy to be back in the classroom with the wonderful Penguin Tribe and they truly have shone this week.
We began our term on World Braille Day, as we tried to understand more about how blind and/or visually impaired individuals navigate the world. This lead us into 'Theo's Story' and then into our first book of this term, The Black Book of Colours.
You can see our visit from a very calming guide dog, Nutmeg HERE
You can also see our investigation into Evolution and Inheritance HERE
A wonderful star to 2022!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 6th Jan 2022 @ 9:44pm
We are very proud of the Lions. They have settled well, worked hard and enjoyed being busy in their tribe this week.
I have attached pictures from our second PE lesson and also pictures of some of the challenges set in the classroom this week. We have also started learning about penguins as part of our ‘Amazing Animals’ topic. We are learning some new poems which I will post next week.
We were all very excited at the snow coming today and we managed to get out before it stopped. We are secretly hoping we get more! Please remember to send hats and gloves in each day.
On Thursday 20th January we would like the children to bring in their second project. This could be based on a hobby or interest or on our topic from last half term. Our topic was traditional tales which included The Gingerbread Man, Jack and the Beanstalk, Little Red Riding Hood and The Gruffalos Child. If you have any questions please catch one of us and we will happily help.
Our super secret readers have started again and we had a lovely story by Mrs.Hunter today called ‘Tidy’. If you are able to help and would like to book a date with us please let us know. We do appreciate and thoroughly enjoy this special story time.
Thank you.
Superstar Storytellers, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 6th Jan 2022 @ 3:46pm
This week we have been using the story of Baba Yaga and the Black Geese in English to create story maps of the main events. Today the children watched a clip of Wilf Merttrns tellig his version of the story. As a class we worked together to pick out what he did to make his story telling so awesome, Then we had a go! We were amazing. Some of us have been videoed and lots more children will be soon.
Homework, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 6th Jan 2022 @ 3:43pm
Homework this week has been sent home in the red book bags ( if they were in school), or the children's blue bags. It is a maths task based on equall grops which we were working on before the holidays and then again this week. It needs to be returned to school on Tuesday please.
Projects are due in again tihis term. please look at the subject organiser, on the class page on the website or on Google Classroom for ideas. The project doesn't have to be linked to anything on there it can be about a hobby, interest or even a favourite book or author.
Happy New Year, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 5th Jan 2022 @ 7:06am
Happy New Year and welcome back to the Spring Term. It's been a chilly start start yesterday so make sure you wrap up warm with coats, hats and gloves.
Thank you so much for all the lovely gifts I recieved for Christmas it was a lovely surprise. I hope you have all enjoyed Christmas and managed to meet up with friends and family where possible. I know some of you are having belated Christmases for a variety of reasons, I sure this will be just as special. Thank you for all the kind messages regarding my husband. He is home from hospital and slowly getting back to his normal self.
Please find on our main class page the subject organiser for this term, this gives you lots of information about the content of our topics. Please continue with reading daily, and times table practice.
My door is always open, please get in touch if you have any questions or queries.
Another exciting half term, watch this space for updates.
Mrs Catterall x
Happy New Year, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 4th Jan 2022 @ 9:45pm
Welcome back Lions! The lions have had lots of talk time today and Mrs.Regan and I have enjoyed listening to everyone.
We started the day with PE and also did some work on our new RE topic, Sikhism. After lunch we had a very special visitor from a guide dog called Nutmeg. I am sure the children will enjoy talking about Nutmeg and all the very special jobs he has.
A new pick and mix homework will be posted for this term. I will make sure it is on google classrooms for Thursday (this week) . Please complete one task each week and submit a comment or photograph on the following Tuesday.
Please can you send in any wrapping paper cardboard rolls or empty kitchen rolls for an activity we will be doing soon. Please do not send any empty toilet rolls.
Thank you
2022 begins, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 4th Jan 2022 @ 8:50pm
Welcome back everyone. It was lovely to see all of you this morning. Thank you for all of your lovely Christmas gifts.
The new term has got of to an amazing start . Today was very exciting as we got to meet Nutmeg, a guide dog and to learn about Braille on world Braille Day.
Happy New Year!, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 4th Jan 2022 @ 8:28pm
Happy New Year and welcome back. Hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas, however you may have celebrated!
Lovely to see the children all back and enthusiastic. We had a great first day settling back in to routines and finding out about how New Year is celebrated, making a promise of something to improve on.
This afternoon we met Nutmeg, a guide dog, we learnt about how clever they are at helping people who are visually impaired , how long it takes to train them and other items that help people who can’t see as well. The best bit...we all got to stroke Nutmeg. A big thank you to Oscar in Year 3 and his mum and of course Nutmeg.?
Meeting a guide Dog, by Mr Pearson
Date: 4th Jan 2022 @ 2:58pm
Today, Oliver's mum (Y3) bought in Nutmeg an amazing guide dog. We had an extremely informative conversation about how people who are visually challenged manage to live independently. The highlight was every child being able to stroke Nutmeg.
Wednesday - Breakfast with Santa!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 17th Dec 2021 @ 6:08am
A perfect way to start the day! Santa spotting with Mrs. Brown, having a big sing along and then a visit from Santa whilst having your breakfast!