Our blogs
Homework, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 6th Jan 2022 @ 3:43pm
Homework this week has been sent home in the red book bags ( if they were in school), or the children's blue bags. It is a maths task based on equall grops which we were working on before the holidays and then again this week. It needs to be returned to school on Tuesday please.
Projects are due in again tihis term. please look at the subject organiser, on the class page on the website or on Google Classroom for ideas. The project doesn't have to be linked to anything on there it can be about a hobby, interest or even a favourite book or author.
Happy New Year, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 5th Jan 2022 @ 7:06am
Happy New Year and welcome back to the Spring Term. It's been a chilly start start yesterday so make sure you wrap up warm with coats, hats and gloves.
Thank you so much for all the lovely gifts I recieved for Christmas it was a lovely surprise. I hope you have all enjoyed Christmas and managed to meet up with friends and family where possible. I know some of you are having belated Christmases for a variety of reasons, I sure this will be just as special. Thank you for all the kind messages regarding my husband. He is home from hospital and slowly getting back to his normal self.
Please find on our main class page the subject organiser for this term, this gives you lots of information about the content of our topics. Please continue with reading daily, and times table practice.
My door is always open, please get in touch if you have any questions or queries.
Another exciting half term, watch this space for updates.
Mrs Catterall x
Happy New Year, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 4th Jan 2022 @ 9:45pm
Welcome back Lions! The lions have had lots of talk time today and Mrs.Regan and I have enjoyed listening to everyone.
We started the day with PE and also did some work on our new RE topic, Sikhism. After lunch we had a very special visitor from a guide dog called Nutmeg. I am sure the children will enjoy talking about Nutmeg and all the very special jobs he has.
A new pick and mix homework will be posted for this term. I will make sure it is on google classrooms for Thursday (this week) . Please complete one task each week and submit a comment or photograph on the following Tuesday.
Please can you send in any wrapping paper cardboard rolls or empty kitchen rolls for an activity we will be doing soon. Please do not send any empty toilet rolls.
Thank you
2022 begins, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 4th Jan 2022 @ 8:50pm
Welcome back everyone. It was lovely to see all of you this morning. Thank you for all of your lovely Christmas gifts.
The new term has got of to an amazing start . Today was very exciting as we got to meet Nutmeg, a guide dog and to learn about Braille on world Braille Day.
Happy New Year!, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 4th Jan 2022 @ 8:28pm
Happy New Year and welcome back. Hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas, however you may have celebrated!
Lovely to see the children all back and enthusiastic. We had a great first day settling back in to routines and finding out about how New Year is celebrated, making a promise of something to improve on.
This afternoon we met Nutmeg, a guide dog, we learnt about how clever they are at helping people who are visually impaired , how long it takes to train them and other items that help people who can’t see as well. The best bit...we all got to stroke Nutmeg. A big thank you to Oscar in Year 3 and his mum and of course Nutmeg.?
Meeting a guide Dog, by Mr Pearson
Date: 4th Jan 2022 @ 2:58pm
Today, Oliver's mum (Y3) bought in Nutmeg an amazing guide dog. We had an extremely informative conversation about how people who are visually challenged manage to live independently. The highlight was every child being able to stroke Nutmeg.
Wednesday - Breakfast with Santa!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 17th Dec 2021 @ 6:08am
A perfect way to start the day! Santa spotting with Mrs. Brown, having a big sing along and then a visit from Santa whilst having your breakfast!
A little Christmas Sparkle!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 17th Dec 2021 @ 6:00am
The lions have been adventurous, brave, confident and amazing! They really are an amazing tribe! They love new challenges and embrace all adventures with big smiles!
Sleepy Santa!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 17th Dec 2021 @ 5:51am
Thursday started with breakfast with Santa. Mrs. Brown led us outside to Santa spot! We found him!
We then had a live link to the North Pole but Father Christmas was fast asleep. He read us a lovely story, got us up dancing and told us lots of secret information about his reindeer.
The lions finished their shadow puppets - we have sent them home so you can try them at home. Please ask the children how shadows are made.
Please remember to take your ‘Longton library’ books back to the village library when you have finished with them. We will be arranging another visit but we will not get your books back in time.
We have done lots of check ups with our phonics and we are very happy. The children are really working hard and using their robot arms. Please keep working on phonics at home as we do not want to move on until all the children are confident with the sounds we have learnt. I will add some ideas later today.
Thank you.
Christmas Party Fun, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 14th Dec 2021 @ 8:11pm
Today was Christmas party day and the children had great fun dancing and playing party games. Father Christmas paid a visit too. The children unable to join us today willl get their presents when they are able to join us in school again.
Does Father Christmas wear a seatbelt?, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 14th Dec 2021 @ 5:25pm
Lots of Christmas fun today! We started our day by having Christmas games and dances in the hall followed by Snowman maths and sorting out costumes for going to church tomorrow. (Please do not go out and buy anything, but if your child does have a white or cream top of any description please feel free to send it in their book bag tomorrow so they can wear it under their costume)
The Lions were busy creating a sleigh in the construction shed this morning! It was fantastic! Great team work and problem solving! Does Father Christmas wear a seat belt? Does he have a helmet under his hat? The conversation was amazing!
Great fun this afternoon at our Christmas Party. The Lions danced and sang all afternoon only stopping for a visit by Father Christmas. We hope you have popped the present under your tree for Christmas Day.
Lots of amazing reading and phonics work - thank you so much! We have been sharing homework everyday and we still have more to share. It’s wonderful!
Thank you for your support and hard work.
Christmas fun!, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 14th Dec 2021 @ 3:35pm
Today we enjoyed a fabulous Christmas party,lots of dancing, games and Christmas fun!
Last week we enjoyed our Christmas dinner and jumper day.
Christmas Dinner and Gruffalo Crumble!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 8th Dec 2021 @ 9:21pm
The Lions started their day with phonics and PE. In PE we were finishing our Jack and the Beanstalk story. We used balloons for teamwork, counting and turn taking. The balloons could not touch the floor - the golden egg.
Christmas dinner was a huge feast! After lunch we spotted rhyming words in our story, made a christmas wish list for our home corner and we all got to try Gruffalo Crumble. The children had been going in groups to work with Miss Lynch all morning in the kitchen. What a success! The Lions loved it and had seconds. Please ask your child what went into the Crumble and what was their job in preparing the Crumble. A perfect pudding for your Sunday dinner - with custard! I have included the recipe below.
A fun day!, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 7th Dec 2021 @ 6:45pm
Today the Zebras enjoyed a lovely story session at the library.Tom read some very funny stories to us! We also enjoyed being artists in the afternoon, learning how to print using Lego blocks. We created some lovely pictures and effects.
Class compliment, by Mr Pearson
Date: 7th Dec 2021 @ 3:11pm
Today we enjoyed our class compliment for excellent behaviour. We watched a film enjoyed sweets and had a dance
A visit to the library., by Mrs Thomson
Date: 6th Dec 2021 @ 10:33pm
The Lions had a great start to the day with a trip to the library. Tom gave the children lots of information about how many books they could borrow and how long they could keep them for. Tom read two great stories which had the children laughing and the lions had to join in with some very strange noises in a very quiet library! ( The little car book is a gift from library and does not need to be returned).
We watched ‘The Gruffalo’ song today in Makaton and we are going to have a practise this week.
In Jigsaw we talked about our homes and how they keep us safe, warm and cosy and how they are unique, just like us. The children shared their favourite rooms and why they love their homes. The children then created their house using Lego, chalks outside, drawing materials and construction materials.
A very proud teacher, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 3rd Dec 2021 @ 5:05pm
A big well done to all thee fabulous Zebras who were fantastic last night in our Production A Bindle of Joy.Hope you enjoy watching the video , alll superstars - well done !
Fantastic learning, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 3rd Dec 2021 @ 5:00pm
This week we enjoyed being geographers, armed with iPads we explored the question.What is our school like? We took lots of photos and then sorted them into human and physical features, things people had made or not made.Next we helped to create a map of school and had a go at drawing one ourselves. We have also been meteorologists , starting to use our rain gauges to measure rainfall and recording the results on a table
Beautiful Christmas trees, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 3rd Dec 2021 @ 4:54pm
A big thank you to all the children who made a recycled Christmas tree decoration. The eco team helped to decorate the tree today. Some great ideas and the trees look amazing. Well done everyone!
Library Visit, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 3rd Dec 2021 @ 2:45pm
Good afternoon,
On Monday we will be taking the children to the village library for a story session. We will leave at 9am so please make sure your child has their coat, gloves and a hat. Please return your form to us for the library card so your child can take out a book.
Thank you, have a lovely weekend
Mrs. Thomson
Panto Trip!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 1st Dec 2021 @ 10:58pm
The Lion tribe had an amazing day out today in Blackpool. It was a dull and rainy day but inside the theatre we had lots of smiles. It was a great performance and the children got involved with the shouting and booing!
Tomorrow evening is our performance in school - please bring your child at 5.30pm and if possible bring them in a cream coloured or white top of any sort so they can leave this on under their costume. (Please do not go out and buy one - a plain coloured T-shirt would also be fine)
It is the Winter Warmer on Saturday at 2pm. If you are able to help on our class stall please send a message in your child’s book bag so we can let Kelly know. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Panto Trip, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 1st Dec 2021 @ 8:18pm
The Panda's all had an aboslutely amazing time watching Aladdin this morning. They enjoyed every minute of it. Every child had a favourite character and it was great to see them having so much time. We have also got lots of great dancers amongst us !
Trip to Blackpool to watch Aladdin, by Mr Pearson
Date: 1st Dec 2021 @ 2:46pm
Today the whole school got on 3 double deckers and travelled to Blackpool Globe Theatre pleasure land to watch Aladdin. We all had a fabulous time thank you very much to all our volunteers who came to help and to Anna for organising.
Another Busy Week, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 28th Nov 2021 @ 11:10am
The Pandas have had a nother busy week. They have finished their unit of work in English using 2 books they really enjoyed- John Patrick Norman McHennesy The Boy Who Wa Always Late and Dear Teacher.
In maths they have been busy learning about money using pounds and coins.
Sxience this week has been looking at what some animals do in autumn to prepare fr winter and what happens to leaves.
On their LPS+ afternoon the children started to lern British Sign Language with Mrs Woolley and Miss Lynch.
Next week is another busy week with the trip to the pantomome on Wednesday smething to really look forward to.
Tribe of the term!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 26th Nov 2021 @ 5:58pm
The Lions are feeling very proud that Mrs. Brown awarded them the tribe of the term in church on Thursday. They really are superstars!
This week we have worked hard in our phonics, we have completed lots of number tasks and also created a Kandinsky masterpiece after looking at triangles and circles. We have been looking at Wallace and Gromit and talking about the local author. The children enjoyed the stories without words and the cartoon style of book. They created a rocket in our outdoor construction shed or as Isaac called it ‘our Wallace and Gromit invention shed’.
We had another fantastic super secret reader this week and the children thoroughly enjoyed the story. It really is wonderful when we hear the children reading the stories aloud to each other or when they ask to read a story to the whole class.
Thank you for the homework pictures we have had. They are brilliant! The children will share them in class with their friends so please try and have homework in on a Tuesday each week.
If you didn’t manage to do homework last week please don’t worry. I take full responsibility for the technical hitch!
One last thank you for the recycled Christmas decorations that have started to come in.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs. T