Our blogs
Making moving pictures, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 26th Nov 2021 @ 4:37pm
This week we have been busy practising our Nativity play, we are looking forward to performing it next week!
We have had a DT week this week where we have enjoyed making moving pictures.We practised first by cutting slits in a picture and making a slider that could go up and down or side to side. Next we designed some pictures for a story book, thinking carefully about which parts would marvel and which way. Then we had to construct it. There were some tricky bits but kept going and have made some great moving picture story books!!
Have a great weekend??
Weekly overview, by Mr Pearson
Date: 26th Nov 2021 @ 12:48pm
We have been focussing on the book, Cosmic by Frank Cottrell-Boyce and have been writing diary entries like we are really in the book. Its about a boy who is 12 however looks like he is a 18 year old.
We have been the bus stop method for division. We have also been doing 3x2 digit multiplication. We have been doing multiplication and division word problems.
In science we have been learning about space and what order the planets come in the solar system. We have also had a man from prime VR to take us on an adventure through space.
In history we have been doing about Baghdad and that it had some of the first advanced technological breakthroughs. It also had some of the first universities and hospitals.
Science melting chocolate, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 23rd Nov 2021 @ 7:37pm
Q: what effects how fast chocolate melts?
We used heat packs and different chocolate to explore and observe how they melted. Most groups discovered the aero chocolate started to melt first and thought this was because it air pockets in it so the chocolate wasn’t as thick in some places. After a period of time most groups discovered it was actually the white chocolate that completely melted first. It was the galaxy or dairy milk chocolate that melted the least.
Why did each group get different results? What affected our results?
Would we get the same results if the chocolate was in our hands?
Homework, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 22nd Nov 2021 @ 4:05pm
Good afternoon, I have just checked on google classroom and the homework does seem to be there. Please click on Lions and then click the link which says Autumn 2 Pick and Mix Homework. I have my fingers crossed that you will all find it ok.
Please do not panic or rush to complete a task for tomorrow if you have had trouble finding the pick and pix information.
Please pop and see us in the morning if you have any problems,
Thank you
Mrs Thomson
Being artists!, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 19th Nov 2021 @ 5:19pm
This week we have enjoyed exploring different media to find out which one we preferred to use. We were inspired by Kandinsky to use shape in our art work. We had to carefully draw round different shapes and then fill in the colour. We could choose oil pastel, chalks, felt tips, wax crayon, pencil crayons, charcoal or water colours. We loved it and did some amazing art work.Well done Zebras!??
Have a lovely weekend.
A fun old day gang!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 19th Nov 2021 @ 4:26pm
The title of our blog is a comment made by one of our amazing Lions! I just had to pinch it!
We seem to have lots of children wanting to be the teacher at the moment! As soon as my back is turned they are in my chair, taking a register or writing on the whiteboard! It is lovely to see how confident they are but I do keep telling them I never actually sit in that chair!
On Thursday we did lots of talking about kindness which links to ‘One kind word’ for anti bullying week and also our PSED work. We made kindness chains in the classroom and then also made friendship circles outside where we all said kind things about our friends. We had lots of odd socks in the classroom so it was lovely to discuss and share what makes us different, what things we enjoy and being unique.
We have enjoyed planting bulbs today and we have set up an area in the classroom for us to watch and care for our plants as they grow.
Jack and the Beanstalk, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 16th Nov 2021 @ 8:46pm
The Lions are embracing their new topic this week - Jack and the Beanstalk. We started the morning with PE playing giant games and practising five different rolls (the golden egg!) The children were confident to do demonstrations and remembered our safety rules.
We have been looking at shapes in maths and we know how to identify circles and triangles even if they are all different sizes. We made shape pictures and then the children took pictures with the iPads for our shape book. Miss Lynch has started taking groups of children outside and around school being detectives hunting for our shapes.
We are working hard in phonics, please keep looking at these at home and please come and ask for help if you need any ideas or help with how to use them alongside reading. Reading books have been changed today, thank you for your comments and support.
Spelling, by Mr Pearson
Date: 15th Nov 2021 @ 4:06pm
Little bits of info!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 14th Nov 2021 @ 7:21pm
After a busy week creating boats and bridges we have used all of the junk modelling materials. If you have any cardboard cereal boxes (large or small) kitchen roll tubes, old gift wrap or wrapping paper tubes please send them in for us.
On Thursday homework will be put on google classrooms. Please use your password (which is at the back of the reading record book) to choose ONE piece of homework to complete. I have done a 'pick and mix' homework where you and your child can select one activity to complete each week. Please send a photo in by the following Tuesday. We will share some of these each week in class on a Tuesday.
The children are really enjoying sharing their 'Wow' moments. Thank you to everyone who has completed one and sent them in your childs book bag. I will attach them below so you can print some ready. You can send them in whenever you or your child has that very special proud moment.
Thank you
Mrs. Thomson
Remembrance, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 10:29am
On Thursday the children continued thinking about Remembrance and why we remember. They started their work on Wednesday with Mrs Woolley and Miss Lynch learning about poppois and then making their own poppies.
On Thursday we joined in the Remembrance servie in the hall with the whole school and our VIP visitor Mr Turner form the Royal British Legion.
In class we continued to learn about World War 2 and learnt how to draw poppies.
Remembrance day, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 11th Nov 2021 @ 7:44pm
Today was a lovely day in school. The Elephant tribe yet again shone brightly. We enjoyed listening to Mr Turner and his stories from his childhood about his dad going off to war. We showed respect during our 2 minutes silence to all those who have died as a result of war, sang a beautiful song and reflected on our word of the year 'UNITY', thinking about how we can be united together.
We have enjoyed several art based activities today. Take a look at our fabulous work and our amazing outfits.
The children have written their own thoughts and reflections on the things we have talked about today, you will be able to read their work which is in their google drive. I will post a few on here shortly.
Thank you Elephants for a lovely day.
Remembrance Day!, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 11th Nov 2021 @ 5:37pm
The children have had a great day today learning about and taking part in Remembrance activities. They all looked amazing too!
Thank you to Flynn and Riley for telling us all about their Grandad’s medals,beret and belt.
Remembrance Day, by Mr Pearson
Date: 11th Nov 2021 @ 11:37am
Another fantastic day at Longton for Remembrance Day.
Wednesday 10th November, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 10th Nov 2021 @ 8:28pm
Thank you for sending reading books in book bags everyday, we really appreciate reading your comments and we were able to get most books changed yesterday.
The following few weeks will get very busy, please could we ask you to send any money for events or spending money in named envelopes.
We have had another 'Gingerbread' day! We started by doing the gingerbread man dance and then played a variation of tag rugby. I was the gingerbread man getting my revenge on the foxes! We had lots of fun! I'm sure the children will tell you all about this.
We have done number work and phonics as well as setting up a new area on the playground today. I have included a link below to a piece of music we listened to today. It was a big hit with the children!
Mrs Thomson
A super start to the week!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 8th Nov 2021 @ 8:45pm
Hello, before I start chatting about our day I would just like to say a huge thank you to our super star secret readers! The children are enjoying their story times and the lovely variety of stories. I have an ongoing list of books to buy for our class as the children have loved every single one!
I have a new list for next year so if you would like to join us, read with us again or swap to a day that suits you better please catch me so we can book a date and carry on this very special time.
The lions have had a busy day today. We have had dough disco, phonics, maths, RE, Assembly and topic time.
The lions are trying very hard to write their name on their work - a big thank you for your help with this.
We are enjoying being scientists and builders. The children are working in pairs and their team work skills have been fantastic!
More science tomorrow and hopefully a little time for baking!
Weekly focus spelling using a hyphon, by Mr Pearson
Date: 8th Nov 2021 @ 9:46am
co |
operate |
exist |
re |
own |
invent |
– |
enter |
tell |
emerge |
ignite |
ordinate |
Celebrating diwali, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 5th Nov 2021 @ 3:57pm
A big thank you to Santi who told us all about Howe she celebrates Diwali and bought in some special food that they eat. She told is lots and we also learnt about the story of Rama and Sita , Diwali lamps and rangoli patterns.
Have safe Bonfire celebrations, we talked at school today about why we celebrate and keeping safe too.
Enjoy ?
Happy Diwali, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 9:04pm
A huge thankyou to Xavi for bringing into school some sweet treats for Diwali to share with the class. It was a lovely treat and opportunity to try something new.
A crime and punishment review, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 8:17pm
We have been learning about crime and punishment in history this term. We know the crime and punishments in Roman times. One of them isThe Lions where you get thrown into a pit of lions. If you were a slave of a poor person, the Emperor had nothing to take away from you so you would be executed by drowning or you would be thrown in a barrel with a monkey, dog , snake and many more animals. You might have one of your limbs cut off. There are many more punishments!
Crimes in the Victorian times were like stealing food from a local food stall or they could murder someone by stabbing or shooting people.
Olive and Edward
Ethan, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 8:06pm
The children loved our electricity topic. Ethan brought in a fabulous kit, we loved it. Thank you ?
Busy busy!!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 3rd Nov 2021 @ 9:53pm
I hope the children had lots to tell you yesterday about the Snow White performance in school. It was wonderful and we sang and cheered and booed all afternoon!
Today started with squiggle and a wriggle. Our hearts where beating very fast after all that excercise! A great start to the day!
We then had our phonics session followed by maths. We did maths learning inside and then outside we had a number hunt.
We are enjoying using our gingerbread play dough that Miss Lynch made with the children. However it got rather sticky and messy today. The children thought it was great fun!
We have been learning about Diwali and we are busy creating a special light that we will bring home tomorrow.
Snow White production, by Mr Pearson
Date: 2nd Nov 2021 @ 2:23pm
A special treat for all the children today, Mrs Brown organised for a pantomime to come into school based on Snow White. All the children had a fantastic time.
VR Tour of the World, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 1st Nov 2021 @ 8:51pm
WOW What an exciting first day back!
This mrning the children had a wonderful time using virtual reality headsets to go on a tour of the world. They visited India, Italy, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Jordan and China. In each country they were able to explore a famous landmark such as the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Brazil, The Taj Mahal in India, The Great Wall of China etc.
This work linked with our Geography from last term when we were learning about the 7 continents. It has also enhnced our understanding of human features in geography and allowed us to use our English skills to write a recount.
Every single child in the class thought it was an amazing experience.
Welcome back Lions!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 1st Nov 2021 @ 8:02pm
It has been so lovely to see the Lions today and we have had a wonderful day together. I hope you all had a lovely break.
I am sorry but the children have had so much to tell us about their half term breaks that we didn’t get a moment to take any pictures! I will make sure we do tomorrow.
We have started a new outdoor project today with the children and our class story this week is The Gingerbread Man. Please please could you save boxes and cartons for our science junk modelling day next week where we will be making boats and testing them as an escape method of transport for our gingerbread man. Feel free to drop your materials off with us this week.
Please make sure reading books come to school each day in book bags. Books will be changed tomorrow. Also we would appreciate it if you could sign, date and add a short comment in the reading record book each time your child reads at home.
Thank you
An exciting first day back, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 1st Nov 2021 @ 4:25pm
Today we were very luck to have a VR day, virtual reality cameras came to school and the children were whisked away to the Artic and Antarctic. They loved it !.Ask them what they saw.