Our blogs
Happy Halloween!, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 21st Oct 2020 @ 4:46pm
The children had a great time at the disco this afternoon. A big thank you to Kelly and the Y6 DJs.
The children all looked amazing, so thank you to you all for making the effort.👍🌟🙂🙃
Halloween disco, by Mrs Doherty
Date: 21st Oct 2020 @ 9:16am
We had fun at our Halloween Disco on Monday.
Halloween Fun, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 20th Oct 2020 @ 2:53pm
The Koalas all looked fantastic today in their Halloween costumes.
Lovely homework ideas, by Mrs Hothersall
Date: 20th Oct 2020 @ 8:40am
Take a look at some of the homework our children have been doing. Well done everyone x x x
Autumn Colours week, by Mrs Hothersall
Date: 19th Oct 2020 @ 9:08pm
Can you believe the zebras have just completed their first half term at school. It’s been different but great and all the children have made new friends and settled well. Take a look at pumpkin 🎃 madness to start our week.
Restart the Heart, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 18th Oct 2020 @ 3:18pm
On Friday afternnon we joined a Zoom event with around 170 other classes. It was all about calling 999 for an ambulance and we were taught by a parmedic. We learnt loads and got all of the quiz questons correct/
Silver Star Super Stars, by Mrs Hothersall
Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 8:59pm
Look at our super stars. All of these children gained a silver star from Mrs Brown which they get to keep for a whole week. They have been sharing amazing work that they have been doing at home. Well done, and keep it up.
Meerkats 16/10/20, by Mr Pearson
Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 4:43pm
In English, this week we have continue writing our Aladdin story, we looked at an educational film about Tornadoes and used it as inspiration for our descriptive writing then the Genie comes out of the lamp. We had to write our own short story of finding a magical lamp on the way home from school and chose our own 3 wishes.
We have been investigating negative numbers this week
We have learnt about crime and punishment in two different time eras. Firstly we looked at crime in the Georgian times and focused on Dick Turpin the infamous Highway Man. Secondly, we have studied different types of terrifying Tudor punishments which were quite scary.
We have been acting out Winne the pooh.
We have been developing our football skills with the internationally renowned coach ‘Señor Pearson’
More senses work, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 4:32pm
We have loved finding out about and using our senses this week. We played a smelly game , guess the smell, chopped and peeled vegetables to make a curry ...which tasted lovely! We also had to guess the flavour crisp and choose our favourite.Pandas favourite was prawn cocktail. Today we put blind folds on to feel what it would be like for those people who can’t see as well us. We realised you have to talk to to your partner to help them and not go to fast!!!!
Have a lovely weekend 👍🌟🙂
Homework, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 15th Oct 2020 @ 8:10pm
This week you will find the homework on Google Classroom. There are guides on the class page on how to access it and how to upload it.
I have also set activities on Reading Eggs and Mathletics if anybody wants to do some extra work.
literacy type activities, by Mrs Hothersall
Date: 14th Oct 2020 @ 10:41am
Here are a few pictures of how we learn to write and read in recpetion. You can see we have lots of fun!
Writing phonemes in monster gloop, finding phonemes on pebbles in the water, cutting zig zag lines, using talking tins to help us remember the phonemes and then write them down. Take a look.
Outside Learning, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 14th Oct 2020 @ 9:43am
This term we have spent time outside learning about continenets in geography and doing a place value scavenger hunt in maths .
Using symbols, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 13th Oct 2020 @ 4:03pm
In maths we have been learning to use the symbol < > to compare numbers and use maths vocabulary eg greater the, less than and equal to. We played fun gales to help us using crocodiles!
Amazing senses, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 13th Oct 2020 @ 3:58pm
This week we are learning all about our different senses.So far we have played a guess the sound listening game and learnt a little sign language to I can sing a rainbow.
This afternoon was fun we used our hands to touch different objects and describe them . Then we got to put our hands in shaving foam, gloop ( cornflour and water paste) and last of all jelly - awesome!!!
How to find the parents evening link, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 12th Oct 2020 @ 12:23pm
Log on to your child’s google classroom account.
Click to enter the Elephants classroom.
In the top right hand corner you should see 9 dots arranged in a square.
Click on these and select calendar.
There you should find a link to the parent’s meeting.
Click on it and then join with google meet.
Keep your fingers crossed x
Week ending 9th October, by Mr Pearson
Date: 9th Oct 2020 @ 2:26pm
In English, this week we have been reading Aladdin. We have been writing descriptions of being trapped in a cave and looking at direct speech.
We have been practicing our 6 times table and column subtraction.
We have been investigating electricity using electric circuits including bulbs and motors and investigating switches.
We have been starting new beginnings by seeing what people like and been noticing who people would most be like
We have been making some guinea fowls and started to study PICASSO
readying up to make our own animals.
We did some colours although we mostly did learn French words for clothes.
We have been carrying on with making our own samba patterns.
Marvellous measuring, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 7th Oct 2020 @ 3:59pm
This week we have been busy measuring. We have compared lengths and heights to find the tallest, longest and shortest. We discovered by comparing heights that Harriet was the tallest and Lacey the shortest.We have also used our hands, feet and cubes to help us measure and count.
In art we used our drawing skills to create fabulous portraits of our friends.
DT this week found us learning all about how to make pictures move.We made sliders and impressed Mrs Pratten with our lovely sliding pictures.
How to access parents evening appointments, by Mr Pearson
Date: 7th Oct 2020 @ 2:43pm
Please find a short PowerPoint below demonstrating how to access your child's parents evening appointment using Google Classroom. I would suggest you check if your appoinment works on your device over the weekend by accessing your child's Google account. Any questions please ask your class teacher or ring Anna.
Homework 8th October, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 7th Oct 2020 @ 10:32am
This week homework is on paper, it is a maths task recapping learning from Year 1 and work covered this term. Please can you make sure that your child has written their name on the sheet so that we can stick them into their home work books.
Reading- many thanks to all of you who are hearing your children read every day, it really is making a huge difference. All reading books have to be changed on a Monday. If you need a new book during the week we have built in opportunities for books to be changed on Wednesdays and Fridays . In class we are doing guided reading and developing the childrens comprehension skills. Over the coming weeks children will be moving onto new book bands to further develop their word reading and their comprehension skills.
As mentioned on last weeks homework blog projects can be about anything on the subject organiser which can be found on our class page.
Many thanks
Mrs Fletcher
Y4 projects, by Mr Pearson
Date: 6th Oct 2020 @ 2:39pm
Themes for the project include the following
Loch Ness Monster
or anything that interestes you.
I have created an asignment on Google Classroom for you to upload a photo of your project.
Any questions let me know.
Year 3 Enterprise, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 5th Oct 2020 @ 9:40pm
Year 3 are going to be holding their enterprise activity on Friday 16th October.
This year we will be doing things a bit differently as we can't all gather to buy our marshmallows from the quad.
We have decided to use an ordering system. Your child will bring home an order slip. If you wish to order any marshmallow kebabs please complete the slip and return with the money in a sealed envelope to your class teacher by this Friday, 9th October.
Next Friday the children will make the kebabs and put them in named bags and deliver them to your child's class ready for them to take home.
Thank you
The Elephants
Google classroom, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 4th Oct 2020 @ 6:54pm
You will have seen from Mrs Brown's e-mail that parent's evening will be conducted via google classroom.
The children have spent the last 2 weeks learning how to log on and should be able to show you.
I will send home their personal details on Monday. On the main class page there are some how to guides if you get stuck.
Over the next few weeks I'll be showing the children how to open up homework on the google classroom how to complete and upload it back to me for marking,
Fossils, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 4th Oct 2020 @ 6:48pm
The focus of our adventure day was all about Fossils.
We became fossil hunters, looking at some photos of different fossils and wondering what they were of and what they could tell us about the past.
We sorted and grouped fossils together and then completed some research to discover what they were called.
We used clay to create either a model of a cast fossil like an Ammonite or a mould fossil of a leaf.
we were paleontologists and searched for dinosuar fossils in rock.
We developed our sketching skills to draw fossils.
We discovered how fossils are made and what type of rock they can be found in.
We finished off with a true or false quiz about what we had learnt.
An action packed day with harvest assembly aswell.
Baking cupcakes like Grandma in Red Riding Hood, by Mrs Hothersall
Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 9:26pm
We have had a wonderful week making apple juice, playing and learning outside, having our first Harvest assembly and baking cup cakes.