Year 6: The Koalas: Blog items

Red Nose Day, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 21st Mar 2023 @ 6:39pm

Congratulations to our Red Nose Day competition winners.

Their positive character trait Mr Men/Little Miss characters were put on a t.shirt for them to wear with pride.

Thank you to everyone who entered.  Certificates are on there way to each of you. 

What a week!, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 17th Mar 2023 @ 8:01am

As we said in our last blog post, the Koala tribe have been super busy. Thank you for supporting our Y4 Enterprise, we are very greatful! As we come to the end of this week, the Koala tribe are finishing off our whole class read of Icarus and Deadalus. We have also explored our science question "How can we change the volume of sound?" and built on our science skill: Present results and asking scientific questions.

See the video below which will show you a sneak peak into our science lesson, the video shows the children using an app to play with different volumes. 

Attached is also some snapshots from our PE lesson. 


Baking Hero!, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 15th Mar 2023 @ 5:32pm

The year 4 tribe have been super busy so far this week. 

They have done their big write, which is based on the adventure story of Aladdin by Phillip Pullman. 

We have built on tennis skills, ready for some healthy competition next week. 

We have been hunting down equivalent fractions in maths.

We have done all of this whilst becoming a baking hero ready for our enterprise on Thursday.

The end of the week in the Koala tribe, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 2:41pm

Another great week in the year 4 classroom! 

We have worked very hard at gaining a deeper understanding of fractions to ensure we have key knowledge for next week. Next week we will be learning about equivalent fractions and adding fractions! 

We finished the week learning about character traits in My Happy Mind and also started our next DT project, Pavillions! 

Our class sign off this week is from Georgie! 

"I've had a great week this week and I hope you have as well!"


Science Explorers, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 8th Mar 2023 @ 8:22pm

At lunchtime 31 children and 4 adults left school and headed by coach to Widnes. The reason for the trip was for a group of science explorers made up of scientists from Years 3,4,5,6 to visit the Catalyst Science and Discovery Centre in Widnes. Jacob one of our Year 6 Science Ambassadors has been working hard to organise the trip and he did a great job making the booking, checking us in and leading us on and off the coach.

On arrival at the centre we dropped our bags off and went to explore the museum. The first gallery visited was an interactive one where everyne had an enormous amount of fun learning through practical hands on science. At half past two we did a soap making worksop where we learnt about the history of soap and the chemisrty involved in making the product. The best bit was getting to make soap, colour it and add a fragrance. The finished products looked great and smelt fantastic.

Next we had a look at the other galleries, including the observation gallery on the top floor- more about that one later.

Fresh air was then needed so outside we went to spend some time on the playground and zipwire. After a while it started to get cold so we headed back inside the museum. However instead of getting ready to head back to Longton we headed to the cafe for our tea. Following a feast we went to collect our bags and started the long climb to the top floor where the observation gallery was to become our bedroom for the night. The views from the room were spectacular, especially as the lights came on across Widnes and on the bridges spanning the Mersey. It was made even better by the fact that it as a clear night and a full moon.

Once sleep areas had been set up , pyjamas were popped on and we settled down to watch a movie accompanied by a range of snacks.

Following a good sleep the scientists were all up and ready for action this morning. Breakfast of cereal and toast was enjoyed before an amazing workshop in the theatre about the universe, infra red light, magnetism and many other things.

The next part of the adventure took us outside to see the sapling presented to the museum in January which has grown from a seed from Isac Newtons tree. The seed had been to space with British astronaut Tim Peake.

Once back insode the children headed back into the interactive gallery to further enjoy the science on offer.

The trip was a huge success, the children were fantastic ambassadors for the school and all had a wonderful time. Memories for life have definitely been created and we all thank Jacob for organising this wonderful opportunity . 


Mid-week notice., by Mr Kennedy

Date: 8th Mar 2023 @ 7:35am

A great start to this week. 


We have started a new text in guided reading - Escape From Pompeii. We have explore vocabulary and infered how an ancient poem would have been performed. We have also continue developing our tennis skills in PE.

A lovely week!, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 3rd Mar 2023 @ 4:49pm

What a week we have had! The Koala tribe should be so incredibly proud each other, they have been troopers!


This week started with a bang with spellings, new fractions and problem solving all whilst exploring the climate in the North West. The following day, we ventured down to our local library, we shared stories and selected a new favourite book. A reminder that books pupils have got from the local library are due to be returned on the 14th March 2023. 

Of course, we celebrated each other in celebration assembly and we continued our learning on Wednesday. Yesterday we have a fantastic world book day! 

I have to say year 4, that how fast you all found Wally blew our minds! Incredible. 

We finished the week with a science investigation of sound through a sound walk through school. 

Well done for a fab week year 4, enjoy your weekend.


Enjoy some of our photos from this week below! 

Week 1 of Spring 2, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 24th Feb 2023 @ 10:56am

Welcome back to another fantastic half term.


We have kicked off this half term with a bang! Getting right into all of our topics and starting our new unit of Aladdin in English! 


Below are some images of exploring our key qestions in science - which is all about sound. 

Thank you for a fantastic first week back year 4 - I look forward to next week. 

Next week we will be having a celebration assembly at church and visiting the library as well.

Also, don't forget to check out our gallary for some up to date images of the Koala tribe.

Have a great weekend! 

Trait of the week, by Mr Pearson

Date: 13th Jan 2023 @ 11:28am

Each week the pupil's of Longton Primary School will discuss a positive quality or characteristic trait.

Please share as a family.  


Week beginning 16th Jan


Trait 1: Be honest. Don’t lie. Be a person people can depend upon. Think of the people we admire in books, movies and real life. Don’t they act with honesty and integrity? Aren’t they generous with others? Doesn’t everyone look up to them?

Autumn two, week one., by Mr Kennedy

Date: 4th Nov 2022 @ 2:30pm

This week our tribe have done lots of learning! We have started our new book for this term, which is called The Great Choloplot! We are very excited to find out where all the chocolate is going!

In science we kicked off our 'states of matter' topic by exploring, extending and engaging in many investigations. 

Maths had the tribe making sure their layouts and super neat and making sure we are proud of our working out. I am very proud of the tribe's hard work in maths. 

We have been improving our fantastic writing by including fronted adverbials and making sure we have used perfect punctuation. 

Our school were very lucky to have had an expert come into work with classes to experience a wonderful yoga session as well!

Have a flick through some of the images below to see some of our learning in action!

Science ambassadors, by Mr Pearson

Date: 21st Oct 2022 @ 9:51am

Longton's Science ambassadors led a whole assembly conducting two amazing investigations. Well done 

Cricket!, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 17th Oct 2022 @ 4:16pm

The tribe have been working on improving their accuracy in cricket today, both with bowling and batting! Well done tribe for being very supportive of each other and celebrating each other success in PE. 


Great work!

A busy DT week!, by Mr Kennedy

Date: 17th Oct 2022 @ 7:31am

The tribe have had great fun understanding ways to create a strong chassis for their slingshot cars! 

They worked have to make the body of their cars and are looking forward to bringing everything together this week! Be sure to look out for photos on our class blog. 

Last week we also explored The Treasure of the Loch Ness Monster by Lori Don. We magpied some vibrant vocabulary ready to write a fictional tale this week. Today, we will look at expanded noun phrases and adverbs to describe Nessie herself!  

Looking forward to the final week of our first half-term! Lots more learning to happen!  

Harvest 2022, by Mr Pearson

Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 10:42am

A lovely Harvest festival took place In St Andrew's Church on Thursday 29th September.
The Heads Team led for the first time and the Church was full of parents.
Each Tribe performed part of the presentation, through song, poetry and presentations.  

Y6 Last Day, by Mr Pearson

Date: 22nd Jul 2022 @ 2:59pm

The tradional Longton send off for the Penguins.


Sports Day, by Mr Pearson

Date: 28th Jun 2022 @ 4:40pm

Another successful sports day was held this week. Fantastic to have parents, grandparents to share the excitement of the events. 

Longton Rainbow Day flag, by Mr Pearson

Date: 28th Jun 2022 @ 11:15am

A human rainbow made up of Longton pupils celebrating that we are all unique.  

Songs, by Mrs Leigh

Date: 18th Jun 2022 @ 3:19pm

Here is the link to the songs for our performance songs. 

Jubilee Celebrations, by Mr Pearson

Date: 26th May 2022 @ 12:10pm

As part of Longton Primary Schools Platinum Jubilee Celebrations the children in Y2 - Y6 have been joined together in the afternoons to focus on our performance for local dignities and special guests. The children have performed a drama about the Queen, the school choir has sung a number of songs including the National Anthem, a group of children performed a dance including a dance from each decade of the Queen's reign, poetry has been written and performed, decorations have been made for the VIP's tables and finally a good of children have baked and created sandwiches for an afternoon tea. Reception performed a song and dance and Year 1 showed how creative they have been through arts. 

World Book Day 2022, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 3rd Mar 2022 @ 4:27pm

What a wonderful day we have had celebrating world book day !

The day started with a whole school assembly to introduce the teme and to share a story we wrote as a school in 2020. It was also when the stimulus for this year's whole school write was revealed. Our youngest children, the Lions  started the story and it was then emailed from class to class to be developed. It finally reached year 6 this afternoon and they proofread the story and then added to it. At 2.45 we met back in the hall for the world premiere reading of The Magic Potion. Wow !!!! What a story! Well done, again Longton. Please take some time to share the story as a a family and to ask your child which part their class wrote.

Every class has met up via an online meeting with classes at Barden Primary School in Burnley and Reception and Key Stage 1 have had a visit from Librarian Tom.

At Longton, as well as the World Book Day voucher we like to give the children a book as a gift. Your child will have a lovely book in their book bags this evening. Please enjoy reading them. 

Assembly blog, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 6th Feb 2022 @ 3:07pm

Today in assembly on Tuesday we talked about, animals and how they are the same and if they work well together. The animals we saw were penguins, dolphins and whales, zebras and ostriches and a crocodile and a bird. We also talked about when it’s important to work together.


Our Thursday picture news assembly asked the question ‘What type of events do you think deserve a celebration?’ This question came about as the Queen announced a special competition ahead of her Platinum Jubilee later this year.  On the 6th February Queen Elizabeth will have reigned for 70 years!

The competition is to design a pudding.  There will also be a 4 day bank holiday in June and other events too.  We all like celebrating birthdays and weddings and fireworks.

Assembly blog, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 30th Jan 2022 @ 10:48pm

In our assembly on Tuesday, we talked about a picture and how old it was and how we knew it was old then Mrs Catterall told us a story about the boy in the old picture. Next, we saw a picture of a light  bulb, then an old film projector, after we saw a picture of a phonograph and a gramophone. We then discovered that the boy in the first picture was Thomas Edison and he invented all of the other items in the pictures. We discussed how he would have needed to work hard, that there would have been failures along the way but he kept going. We reflected on when we have had to be like Thomas Edison today and how if we come across something which is tricky or hard work we shouldn’t give up. 

In our assembly on Thursday we talked about Rose off strictly come dancing and how well she did because she is part deaf. We also talked how many people want to learn sign language. This is in the news because people were voting for it to be recognised as an official language in law. We also asked if anyone knew any parts of sign language, year 3 and year 4 performed the rainbow song to the school, they have been learning it during their LPS+ lessons. We also talked about which is more important touch, sound, smell, taste, hear or sight.

Lucie and Evie

Assembly blog, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 23rd Jan 2022 @ 1:48pm

In our assembly on Tuesday we focused on dreams and goals. We are learning to face the big fears of our mountains / challenges. We read a story about a rescue dog that helps in the cold misty mountains and a little boys life, that story taught us not to give up.


On Thursday we had our picture news assembly with the question - is it ever fair to treat others differently because of their looks? We discussed that a Chinese footballer had to cover up his tattoo and he had no choice. We also thought about other jobs like nurses, soldiers and chefs etc. We talked about how it’s not right to judge people by their looks or their culture.

Lucy year 6

Photo's from last Term, by Mrs Leigh

Date: 21st Jan 2022 @ 1:44pm

Here are some photographs from our learning in the Autumn term.  

Assembly blog, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 16th Jan 2022 @ 3:09pm

On Tuesday in assembly, we were taking about what our Jigsaw lessons are all about - Friendships, how to be respectful, ways to keep safe,  working together as a team, how our bodies change as we get older. This half term our topic is all about dreams and goals. We also mentioned what we might want to do in the future for a job. We thought about how the journey to this might be a bit of a roller coaster, there can be ups and downs and sometimes people change direction to end up doing a different job than the one they first wanted.  But all the way we have to remember our learning powers to work hard and self improve, to show commitment, resilience and perseverance.


On Thursday our picture news assembly was all about the James Webb Telescope.  This is in the news this week because NASA have sent it up into space to find out what our Universe looks like.


I wonder if when we grow up we might get to go into space ourselves. Does anyone want to be an astronaut? Scientists, engineers, designers will all work together to design the space telescope, it takes a long time to create and test. These people both boys and girls will have had to use their learning powers like we talked about in assembly on Tuesday.