Year 6: The Koalas: Blog items
Trip to Blackpool to watch Aladdin, by Mr Pearson
Date: 1st Dec 2021 @ 2:46pm
Today the whole school got on 3 double deckers and travelled to Blackpool Globe Theatre pleasure land to watch Aladdin. We all had a fabulous time thank you very much to all our volunteers who came to help and to Anna for organising.
Snow White production, by Mr Pearson
Date: 2nd Nov 2021 @ 2:23pm
A special treat for all the children today, Mrs Brown organised for a pantomime to come into school based on Snow White. All the children had a fantastic time.
Halloween Party Fun, by Mr Pearson
Date: 22nd Oct 2021 @ 10:20am
Lots of fun was had at the school's first disco for 18 months.
Google Classroom, by Mr Pearson
Date: 12th Oct 2021 @ 11:31am
A guide has been added to the class page to give you directions how to access Google Classroom and Google Meet for parents evening.
Please check you have your child's username and login.
Lion's your is coming home today 12th October
Please have a look at how to do before Monday so we can answer any questions.
Kind regards
Mr Pearson
Year 3 Projects, by Miss Leigh
Date: 4th Oct 2021 @ 4:35pm
Children are welcome to select the theme of their project this year. It may be something which they are interested in, or based on our learning this term.
A little visitor, by Miss Leigh
Date: 27th Sep 2021 @ 9:19am
Mrs Gaskell very kindly brought “Ollie Bob” into school for us to see and learn about.
Google Classroom Log in details, by Miss Leigh
Date: 6th Sep 2021 @ 4:11pm
Today I have sent out with your child a copy of their new google password. The user name remains unchanged. Please keep this new password safe as it will be used for homework, meet the teacher and in school.
We've made a wonderful start to the year.
Take Care,
Mrs Leigh
Catch Up, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 14th Jul 2021 @ 6:13pm
Here are some photos from our visit by John Vale about minibeasts and our April to August birthday celebration
Welcome Back Koalas, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 17th Jun 2021 @ 12:52am
The children have made a wonderful start to their final term in Year 2.
They are enjoying working on a poem by Michael Rosen called Bathroom Fiddler and will be having a go very soon at writing their very own poems called Desk Fiddler.
In maths we have been looking at addition of 2 digit numbers and looking over other bits of learning from the past. We have started our new topic which is learning about India and made a start on our new unit of work in science all about animals, life cycles and habitats.
The children enjoyed using BBC Dance Mat in computing today which is a great , free site for learning to touch type.
Arts Week Day 4 and 5, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 28th May 2021 @ 1:48pm
The Koalas have had another couple of busy days. Yesterday children finished their pastel and ink wor, some did some sewing and we used words and symbols to creare graffitti style art .
Today we have painted our clay pots , created super heroes , videoed us singing and finished our time capsule books
Arts Week Day 3, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 26th May 2021 @ 1:49pm
Another wonderful day of Art in Year 2.
This morning the children's morning task was to draw a heart and write words in and around it to depict what thoughts it eveoked in them. We then went on to look at some Covid window art by looking at a window of Hope in Rochester. We used this as a stimulus and created a page of hearts ready to put onto acetate sheets to make our own window. The children traced round their shapes using permanent markers and then added colour and some patterns. They are now on display on our classroom windows. Whilst this was going on we made a start with our rainbow weaving and sewing birds of hope.
This afternoon the children have used pixel art in computing, have done French and then some more art with a visiting teacher.
Arts Week Day 2, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 25th May 2021 @ 7:21pm
Today started with an activity they asked to do as their morning starter. As the children came in Sing, the song we started to learn yesterday was playing. The children got out their art books and began to use symbols to show what they could hear and feel,using a technique from ealier in the year when they had Mrs May for Art.
Work then continued making clay pots, completing weaving boards and finishing work based on Claire Baxter's Rainbow of Hope. Whilst all of this was giing on the children used fabric pens to decorate their arts week t shirts.
After play we watched an online art lesson to learn how to use dip pens and ink to draw. We used the ink and pens to have a go at creating different types of lines and shapes. Next we looked at the book The Boy the Mole the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy. As we looked at the pictures we discussed the techniques he had used. We then looked at his work Hope in readiness to create our own Hope pictures in his style.
We finished the morning by singing Sing and listening to the story A Child's Garden - a story of hope by Michael Foreman.
After luch some of us began to draw what we thought a covid germ might look like whilst groups of children worked with Mrs Richards to use pastels and ink to create their own Hope pieces in the style of Charlie Mackesy.
Our last activity was to begin filling in our covid booklets to put in our time capsule.
We spent some time makung a list of everything we have done so far this week. We were amazed by how much we have done and the new skills we are learning.
Arts Week Day 1, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 24th May 2021 @ 7:24pm
It has been a wonderful opening day to Ats Week. The children started by creating a stamp for The Royal Mail Covid Hero competition. There are some amazing entries. Next job was to design a template using the word HOPE to put on the front of their Arts Week T shirts tomorrow. Work also began on the sky background for our rainbow weaving.
This afternoon we looked at a piece of art called Rainbow of Hope by the artist Claire Baxter and the children then worked hard to work in her style to create their own Rainbows of Hope.
To tie in with our theme hope and the Big Ask we have started to learn the song written by Garry Barlow for the Queen's Diamond Jubiilee, Sing. Look out for a video performance later in the week.
Keep your eye on Twitter tomorrow for action shots as they happen.
Looking Smart and ready for action, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 21st Apr 2021 @ 4:34pm
Fun in the sun, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 20th Apr 2021 @ 8:26pm
The children have had fun outside today. They have spent time doing some brilliant sketches of our outside area building on their love of Monet from last term. They also had fun taking part in a Tri golf taster session.
Can you rise to the challenge?, by Sandra Fletcher
Date: 12th Apr 2021 @ 8:05pm
This week the children have been challenged to work quietly when they are asked to. If they meet this challenge their personal star will hang proudly on our recognition board.
I am sure all 30 stars will soon be hanging proudly.
Welcome back, by Sandra Fletcher
Date: 11th Apr 2021 @ 9:13pm
I hope you have all had a lovely break, eaten lots of Easter Eggs and made the most of the lovely weather.
Summer term is now upon us. I have uploaded this terms subject organiser for you to look at. Please remember to bring your PE kits into school-PE will be on Tuesday and Friday.
Reading books need to be brought in on Monday to be changed.
Looking forward to seeing you all in the morning
Mrs Fletcher
Easter Service, by Mr Pearson
Date: 25th Mar 2021 @ 8:49pm
Photographs of the event can be found here
Wonderful Wednesday, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 24th Mar 2021 @ 4:07pm
The Koalas have had a Wonderful Wednesday.
The day started by tackling comprehensions based on extracts from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The class did an amazing job remembering the steps needed to be great reading detectives.
Next was spelling where great fun was playing a game where they had to solve anagrams for ey words- they enjoyed the game so much that you can now find it as a material, along with 2 other games on Google Classroom.
After a nice run around in the sunshine we came back in , did our fluent in five maths warm up and then began to use base 10 to subtract 2 digit numbers.
We practised our poem for the Easter Service tomorrow and then began to watch the Easter Story.
Lunch was delicious- roat chicken or pasta and yummy chocolate crispie cakes for all who wanted them.
The afternoon has flown by wit coding in computing, learning about colours in French and then singing in music.
A truly WONDERFUL day
Birthday Fun, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 23rd Mar 2021 @ 6:57pm
Today we have had a lovely day ceebrating the 7th birthday's of 3 members of the class.
We had time in the hall playng corners, musical statues and having a dance. We also did the hokey kokey.
Back in class we made a list of all of the things we would like to do for the rest of our party day. We chose a quix, charades, colouring, dancing, drawing and watching something on the big screen.
After lunch we managed to do all of those things as well as singing happy birthday and eating delicious birthday cake.
It really has been a lovely day .
Thank you Koalas, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 19th Mar 2021 @ 4:04pm
Thank you Koalas for a wonderful week. You have worked hard and done some amazing learning.
Your knowledge of the Great Fire of London is truly outstanding and your enthusisam for our book in English, Vlad and the Great Fire of Londo has been brilliant to see.
In maths some of us have found using base 10 to add 2 two digit numbers a challenge but you jave all shown grit nd determination and you will all get there very soon.
Today learning about the census and linking it with your knowledge of the nativity story was great too. Your skills to draw your own tally charts to record the data we collected for our mini census really impressed me.
It has been a perfect Longton week, well done everyone.
See you all next week for more fantasti learning and lots of Easter fun
Mrs Fletcher
Digital 5 A Day, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 16th Mar 2021 @ 6:13pm
Please take time to have a look at this booklet from the Childrens commisioner
Online Safety, by Mr Pearson
Date: 3rd Mar 2021 @ 4:59pm
The online world offers amazing opportunities but also brings elements of potential risk and for Parents, making sense of the online world can appear to be an enormous challenge. Unlike previous generations, the online environment is an integral part of children’s lives and therefore we can no longer consider their wellbeing or safety without also considering their relationship to technology. However, staying safe online is fundamentally about behaviours rather than the technology itself and if approached from this perspective, we can begin to gain confidence to support our children.
The link below provides some useful tips for Parents when discussing the online environment with children. In addition, this page also contains a variety of resources which can be used to develop knowledge and confidence to support children. You will also find useful information in the news and events section of the site through the link at the bottom of the page.
Koala News, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 21st Jan 2021 @ 8:46pm
Hello everyone.
Mrs Thomson, Kelly and I just want to say how pleased we are with everyone this half term. The children in school are working hard and showing Mrs Thomson how far their learning has come on since Year 1. Everyone who is doing their learning at home is working really hard too, joining in the live lessons and sending back amazing work on Google Classroom.
You are all SUPERSTARS