Year 6: The Koalas: Blog items
Happy New Year, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 3rd Jan 2021 @ 3:40pm
Happy New Year
I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas.
Thank you very much for all of the lovely presents and cards. I had a lovely time on Christmas morning opening each of them. Many thanks too to the families who made donations to the Rosmere charity.
As we head back into school for the start of the Spring Term I have uploaded the new subject organiser onto our class page. This will help you with ideas for projects. There is also a document titled Project ideas which may help too.
Looking forward to seing everyone tomorrow
Mrs Fletcher
Christmas Fun, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 8:29pm
The Koalas have been having a great time getting ready for Christmas.
The winter fair, Christmas lunch, our party, Breakfast with Santa , a visit to the Grotto and then a surprise visit this afternoon have cetrainly filled us all with joy and happiness.
Lots of Fun, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 9th Dec 2020 @ 8:12pm
The children enjoyed celebrating their 20th class compliment watching Rudolph the Movie, eating popcorn, colouring Christmas pictures, building with Lego and reading .
This afternoon they had fun at the Christmas Fair , winning lots of goodies.
Lots of News, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 29th Nov 2020 @ 7:40pm
This has been a busy week.
On Tuesday afternoon we had fun celebrating the autumn birthdays with a party, film and delicious cake.
On Wednesday morning the children earned their 20th class compliment and will be having their compliment treat on Friday 4th December.
Friday was celebration asssembly via Google Classroom, congratulations to all of the children who were awarded certificates this term.
Now that we have settled back into school we are ready to start up our school parliament. If you want to stand for election to need to prepare a short speech ready for Friday 4th December.Please create a poster or be able to talk about why you think you would be a good person to represent our class. The children will need to be reliable , attend meetings , be confident to speak and have some ideas about how we can improve school.
Remembrance Day 2020, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 11th Nov 2020 @ 8:10pm
This morning we all took part in our whole school Remembrance service via Zoom. Mr Turner from The Royal British Legion spoke to us about his childhood memories of World War 2 and how we came to wear poppies as a symbol of remembrance.
After lunch we visited he Peace Garden to look at the poppy wreath and to have a few moments of reflection. Back in class we talked about remebrance, watched some clips from remembrance services and then the children split into groups to complete a task.
Each group were given 13 photographs linked to November 11th. Their task was to choose the photograph that they felt said the most to them . Many of the groups chose the photograph of the Commonwealth War Cemetry and said that they had chosen it as it showed how many people had died for us. As the children ordered their photos there was lots of great discussion going on.
Meeting New Friends, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 10th Nov 2020 @ 8:46pm
We had a lovely time this afternoon meeting the Swallows. The Swallows are one of the Year 2 classes at Barden Primary School in Burnley. We shared a PowerPoint about our school and the children from Barden shared memories of lockdown.
We are very proud of our PowerPoint as we chose what we wanted to talk about and we all decided where we should take photographs.
First week back, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 6th Nov 2020 @ 2:38pm
It has been a very busy first week back. The children have enjoyed all of their learning and have made an enthusiastic start to our new geography topic on Preston Docks.
Please can you write a comment in the new yellow reading record every time your child reads. Reading books MUST be changed on MONDAYS and can be changed again on Wednesday and Friday. They will only be changed if we have evidence in the reading records that they have been read.
Some of our castle engineers have been at work today and have added a moving drawbridge to their castles.
We have been out and about today taking phoyographs ready to show the Cchildren at Barden Primaary School in Burnley on Tuesday afternoon.
Homework, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 5th Nov 2020 @ 1:30pm
This weeks homework can be found on Google Classroom. It is a maths activity to make 20. The missing number in each calculation needs to be typed in .
Marshmallows everywhere., by Mrs Catterall
Date: 1st Nov 2020 @ 7:27pm
Thank you to everyone who supported our enterprise. We made over 230 marshmallow kebabs for you all to enjoy.
The children get to decide what to do with their profit. Half will go to charity (exact one yet to be decided) the rest has been spent on Christmas sewing kits and magnets for a Christmas science and DT project. If there is any left we are going to buy more books for our class library.
Making Castles, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 23rd Oct 2020 @ 2:06pm
There is great excitement amongst the Koals this afternoon as they make their castles. Boxes have been covered and are now being transformed into stunning castles. Once decorated the children will be using straw, string and scissors to create a working drawbridge.
Holiday Passports, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 21st Oct 2020 @ 8:58pm
In Year 1 your child was given a Holiday Passport to complete during school holidays. I have 13 of them in school and will be sending them home tomorrow for the children to use over half term. If your child has their passport at home please can you return them to school during the week beginning Monday 9th November. If you have misplaced your passport please can you let me know so I can issue a new one.
Over the holiday please can the children read as often as possible and use fast phonics on Reading Eggs.
PE kits will be comimg home on Thursday and on Friday pencil cases will be coming home. Some of them may need restocked during the holidays. The children only need pencils, pencil crayons, a rubber and a pencil sharpener. If they have felt pens in their pencil cases they can continue to bring them .
Mrs Fletcher
Halloween Fun, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 20th Oct 2020 @ 2:53pm
The Koalas all looked fantastic today in their Halloween costumes.
Restart the Heart, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 18th Oct 2020 @ 3:18pm
On Friday afternnon we joined a Zoom event with around 170 other classes. It was all about calling 999 for an ambulance and we were taught by a parmedic. We learnt loads and got all of the quiz questons correct/
Homework, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 15th Oct 2020 @ 8:10pm
This week you will find the homework on Google Classroom. There are guides on the class page on how to access it and how to upload it.
I have also set activities on Reading Eggs and Mathletics if anybody wants to do some extra work.
Outside Learning, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 14th Oct 2020 @ 9:43am
This term we have spent time outside learning about continenets in geography and doing a place value scavenger hunt in maths .
How to access parents evening appointments, by Mr Pearson
Date: 7th Oct 2020 @ 2:43pm
Please find a short PowerPoint below demonstrating how to access your child's parents evening appointment using Google Classroom. I would suggest you check if your appoinment works on your device over the weekend by accessing your child's Google account. Any questions please ask your class teacher or ring Anna.
Homework 8th October, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 7th Oct 2020 @ 10:32am
This week homework is on paper, it is a maths task recapping learning from Year 1 and work covered this term. Please can you make sure that your child has written their name on the sheet so that we can stick them into their home work books.
Reading- many thanks to all of you who are hearing your children read every day, it really is making a huge difference. All reading books have to be changed on a Monday. If you need a new book during the week we have built in opportunities for books to be changed on Wednesdays and Fridays . In class we are doing guided reading and developing the childrens comprehension skills. Over the coming weeks children will be moving onto new book bands to further develop their word reading and their comprehension skills.
As mentioned on last weeks homework blog projects can be about anything on the subject organiser which can be found on our class page.
Many thanks
Mrs Fletcher
Year 3 Enterprise, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 5th Oct 2020 @ 9:40pm
Year 3 are going to be holding their enterprise activity on Friday 16th October.
This year we will be doing things a bit differently as we can't all gather to buy our marshmallows from the quad.
We have decided to use an ordering system. Your child will bring home an order slip. If you wish to order any marshmallow kebabs please complete the slip and return with the money in a sealed envelope to your class teacher by this Friday, 9th October.
Next Friday the children will make the kebabs and put them in named bags and deliver them to your child's class ready for them to take home.
Thank you
The Elephants
Harvest Assembly via ZOOM 2020, by Mrs Hothersall
Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 2:08pm
Here is the powerpoint that we have used today for our Harvest Assembly, it certainly was very different from years gone by!
However, all the children read poems, or said thoughts of Autumn or Harvest and we all sang a few songs. Thank you for your harvest donations which we will send off to thw local food bank in the coming days.
Hope you all have a very lovely and restful weekend.
Update and homework, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 30th Sep 2020 @ 8:20pm
We have been doing some of our learning outside. We have sorted phonemes in phonics out in the fresh air so that we had lots of space to meke our lists.
Science also took place outside this wek when we were testing materials to see if they could be bent, sueezed, twisted and stretched.
It will soon be time for projects to be handed in. This term we are asking you to send in a photo. The topics can be based on anything that is on our subject organiser.
Homework - Reading Eggs Comprehension 22 Tim's Money Tree.
Mathletics - counting in twos, fives and tens.
Homework 24th September, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 23rd Sep 2020 @ 9:56am
Well done to everyone who did the Reading Eggs and Mathletics homework last week. You all did a great job.
This week the homework is a Comprehension on reading Eggs called Gecko Gecko Lesson 21 - if you cannot access it through Reading Eggs just click on Reading Eggspress.
The Mathletics task this week is 10 more and 10 less
Human Family Trees, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 20th Sep 2020 @ 8:50pm
The Koalas have impressed us with the number of facts they can remember about Queen Elizabeth 1. They had great fun in the sunshine working out some of her family tree. The children made connections with other curriculum areas and told us that they had had to use their reading and maths skills to work out who her grand parents and parents were. They did an awesome job!
Homework September 17th, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 16th Sep 2020 @ 11:42am
This week's homework has been set on Reading Eggs and Mathletics.
It is set for 5 days
Reading Eggs lesson 101 - the short oo sound
Mathletics Place value - count forward patterns
Passwords for both sites will be sent home tomorrow
If your child wants to swap their reading book on a Wednesday or a Friday as well as on Monday please let either myself or Mrs Jackson know.
Meet The Teacher, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 9th Sep 2020 @ 8:39pm
Thank you to everyone that joined the Zoom meeting this evening.
If you didn't manage to join us don't worry, the PowerPoint, Introduction letter and this half terms subject organiser can all be found in the list of files on our class web page.
Welcome Back, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 3rd Sep 2020 @ 7:15pm
The children have made a super start to Year 2. They are certainly imresing Mrs Jackson and I with their enthusiasm for learning, One of theur favourite lessons this week has been about castles. They have also created some outstanding wolf faces in art - phoyos will be posted tomorrow when they are all finished.
On Monday your child will be bringing a reading book home. This should be returned to school the followoing Monday but there will be opportunities to change books on Wednesday too,