Our blogs
Update, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 12th Jan 2024 @ 11:49am
WOW this week has gone so quickly.
Spelling check on this week's spellings.
Reading - learning about the discovery of DNA.
Science researching the life and work of Stephen Hawking and making our own black holes.
English - choosing our own area of focus - complete sentences, correcting punctuation errors or identifying the subject, verb , object within sentences.
Maths - fluent in five, reasoning and then converting miles into kilometers and vice versa.
The class have settled back into learning really well and have had an amazing week. They have loved the new timetable so we have started 2024 in the best way possible.
Have a great weekend everyone
Mrs Fletcher
Dictionary investigation, by Mr Pearson
Date: 11th Jan 2024 @ 11:33am
Using dictionaries to investigate new words today in English as part of a task. The Koalas had an amazing time.
Welcome Back, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 10th Jan 2024 @ 2:35pm
Happy New Year .
On behalf of myself, Mrs Atkinson and Mrs Doherty I would like to thank you for all of the lovely gifts we received at Christmas.
Our week so far :
Morning task - phonics
Spelling adding cial and tial
Reading response - Alan Turing
Geography - learning about longtitude and latitude
English - writing new endings for The Highwayman poem
PE - passing skills in hockey
Maths - metric measures
Morning task
Spelling - look, say, cover, write, check
Reading - Alexander Fleming
RE- The Five Pillars of Islam
Jigsaw - dreams and goals
Maths - converting metric measures
English - research facts about a given Greek god or goddess
Morning Task
Spelling - speedy spell
Reading response - Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace
Maths - calculating wit mteric measures
English - discussing our new text
DT - preparing for our enterprise
January letter to parents - Penguins., by Mrs Thomson
Date: 7th Jan 2024 @ 11:06am
Christmas Week Pictures., by Mrs Thomson
Date: 3rd Jan 2024 @ 6:21pm
Some pictures for you to enjoy from our last week before Christmas. I hope everyone is having a lovely break - Happy New Year!
See you all soon, Mrs. Thomson.
Happy Christmas!, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 22nd Dec 2023 @ 5:20pm
Mrs Regan and I would like to say a vey big thank you for our lovely gifts, we feel very spoilt, its much appreciated.
We hope you all have a fabulous Christmas, only 3 more get ups Giraffes!!!
Enjoy celebrating wth your lovely children and we will see you all in 2024!!
Elephant Catch Up, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 22nd Dec 2023 @ 9:42am
The morning was spent researching interesting facts about 6 major world religions - the class loved this - and creating amazing mind maps to showcase all of their knowledge from the autumn terms learnong.
The afternoon was spent partying at the Year 5 and 6 Christmas party. Theo, Poppy and Sienna did an amazing job as DJs/
Christmas cards and carols in French
Thank you to you all for your support this term it is very much appreciated. Thank you also for the gifts and cards myself, Mrs Atkinson and Mrs Doherty have received. It is very kind of you to think of us at this time of year.
We hope that you all have a very lovely Christmas and we will see you in January.
Best wishes
Mrs Fletcher, Mrs Atkinson and Mrs Doherty.
Christmas part Y5&6, by Mr Pearson
Date: 21st Dec 2023 @ 2:36pm
The annual Christmas party was enjoyed by all.
Tinkercad, by Mr Pearson
Date: 21st Dec 2023 @ 11:47am
The children have been using Tinkercad in preperation for a DT project in the New Year using a 3D printer
the website can be found at
Student instructions
Class link:
- Go to your class with this link: https://www.tinkercad.com/joinclass/EQY2BMP4I
- Enter your Nickname assigned by your teacher.
Class code:
- Go to https://www.tinkercad.com/joinclass
- Enter the class code: EQY2BMP4I
- Enter your Nickname assigned by your teacher.
The nick name is the childs name in this format jamesbond
Wonderful Wednesday, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 20th Dec 2023 @ 2:39pm
Today started with a whole school rehearsal for the Carol Service on Friday, the class did a fantastic job of reciting their poem and earned themselves a class compliment from Mrs Brown.
After a slightly later than usual playtime the rest of the morning was spent doing DT, finishing off the amazing playground structures they have been building.
This afternoon has been a Christmas themed LPS+ session with Mrs Atkinson and Mrs Doherty.
Don't forget tomorrow is Christmas Party day so come dressed ready for a fun filled afternoon.
Lots to share!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 20th Dec 2023 @ 2:03pm
Tomorrow the penguins will be bringing home a bag of art and craft delights! They are very excited to share with you all the things they have done over recent weeks.
Your child will be bringing home two new reading books. In your reading record book you will find the two books listed. The first book will contain new sounds and words from this week in phonics. Please encourage your child to read this book several times over the Christmas holiday with you. This will help to consolidate learning of our phonics. We have worked with your child this week to spot any sounds that they may have forgotten.
The second book listed is one that your child has chosen as a 'sharing' book. This may be a trickier book which you can both share together.
I have included the Rainbow / tricky words for you to read with your child.
Happy Homework - The penguins will not be bringing home their homework bags this week. The 'All about me' book will come home for a picture, ticket or photograph added. The children are enjoying writing in the hundreds of Christmas cards that we had donated to our class post office. Perhaps they could write about a special highlight of their holiday in their 'All about me' books.
Please remember that your child will need to have a named carrier bag in school tomorrow morning. Thank you.
Elephant Catch Up, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 19th Dec 2023 @ 9:03pm
Morning task - remove the last e before adding the suufix er or ed
Spelling - splitting this week's words into two lists: cious or tious
Reading - The Yule Lads - Spoon Licker , a story from Iceland
Maths - fluent in five, reasoning, mixed questions with fractions
English - present perfect and past perfect verb tenses
Science - lots of Christmas fun completing our investigations into how mirrors work.
Phonics - correcting misspelt words
Spelling - using this week's spellings in sentences
Maths - fluent in five, reasoning, finding fractions of amounts
English - planning a new ending to The Highwayman
DT - working hard to finish our amazing playgrounds.
Party fun!!, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 19th Dec 2023 @ 6:30pm
We had a great time this afternoon at our party,lots of dancing, games and a visit from Father Christmas!
Tuesday Christmas week, by Mr Pearson
Date: 19th Dec 2023 @ 4:12pm
Today the children have been researching different world religions. We then watched a short film about the life of Moses.
We have also been learning to multiply two digit by two digit numbers.
Click to watch the second video for support
or another
Penguin Patrol!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 16th Dec 2023 @ 9:42am
What a busy week! Lots of happy and excited penguins.
This week we have all been on penguin patrol. We have been looking after our friends, passing on smiles and looking after one another on the playground at lunch time. We have been working with different friends in class and everyone has enjoyed learning and sharing with each other.
In maths we have been learning about four sided shapes. We have been shape detectives and have enjoyed using some tricky maths equipment to make 2D and 3D shapes.
Our Christmas dinner was a very happy and festive occasion as well as our visit to Longton library. The children were amazing listeners to the Christmas stories and several people commented on how polite and well mannered the children were. Super stars!
We had a story time with Santa this week. Our year one friends came to join us. We even sent Santa an email and saw him on our class screen. We had to wake him up first!
We have had a very creative classroom this week with glitter and glue, Pom poms and paper being used everywhere.
Friday was an amazing drama and IT afternoon. The children blew my socks off!
Lots of art work and crafts will be coming home this week. Please send in a carrier bag with your child’s name written on it. I will send things home steadily throughout the week.
Reading books will be changed and sent home for Christmas. I will also send home the ‘All about me’ book so your child can add some extra pictures and writing to share in the new year. Some books did not come back after the October half term holiday - please check as the children thorughly enjoy sharing these books with our class and their buddies.
We are looking forward to a final week of festive fun and learning! Party time, stories and Christmas stockings! Cards, calendars and planting too! A sleigh to build, carols to sing and a stable to create! Candy cane phonics, cheeky elf writing and a beautiful nativity for you to watch!
CAD drawing excitement, by Mr Pearson
Date: 15th Dec 2023 @ 2:50pm
The Koalas have had an afternoon of fun learning by using Tinkercad, a software package to teach the children the basics of CAD drawing. The children will eventually make their final designs using a 3D printer that school has been loaned.
Exciting times.
Thursday, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 14th Dec 2023 @ 9:34pm
Today has been very busy and lots of fun too.
Morning Task - grammar task
Spelling - check up of this week's spellings.
Maths - double fluent in five followed by more dividing fractions.
Fun videos with sining and dancing to help us remember grammar and punctuation
Christmas dinner followed by a long playtime and a movie afternoon.
Christmas dinner!, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 14th Dec 2023 @ 4:41pm
We enjoyed our lovely christmas dinner today - especially pulling the crackers!
Yesterday we enjoyed being Geographers on a walk to Longton to sketch the different featues of Longton. Back at school we sorted them into physical and human features. We added some in that we know are in Longton but didn't see, like the Brickcroft, the park and the playing fields.
Koalas adventure in Blackpool Panto, by Mr Pearson
Date: 13th Dec 2023 @ 4:48pm
An excellent time at the panto in Blackpool
A visit from Santa, by Mr Pearson
Date: 13th Dec 2023 @ 4:45pm
Some of the Koalas had breakfast with Santa today.
Wednesday, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 13th Dec 2023 @ 2:24pm
Here's what we have been up to today :
Morning task - phonics activity to correct spellings
Spelling - using this week's spellings in sentences to improve our vocabulary.
Guided Reading - The final chapter of The Night Before The Night Before Christmas.
Maths - Fluent in Five, reasoning and then we learnt to divide any fraction by an integer 4/6 x 2 = 4/12
English - developing our understaning of adverbs and adverbials, how they are used in sentences, whar they modify and how we punctuate sentences containing them.
This afternoon LPS+ - working on our poem to perform at the Carol Service in church and making calendars.
Tomorrow is Christmas Lunch day so Christmas jumpers can be worn along with the usual uniform skirts and trousers.
Tuesday, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 12th Dec 2023 @ 8:33pm
Our day
Morning task - phonics changing the y to i and adding er and est to words such as happy.
Spelling - box dictation which is where we write the words by writing letters in the correctly shaped boxes.
Guided Reading - today we read The Night Before The Night Before Christmas Chaoter 2. Today was a vocabulary focus.
Maths - Fluent in Five and Reasoning followed by divison of fractions by integers.
English - we identified literary features in a narrative poem .
DT - we continued to work on building the structures for our playground projects. They are beginning to look really good.
Homework Help, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 11th Dec 2023 @ 11:19pm
There are a number of documents and a powerpoint on the class website page to assist with maths and grammar homework
What have we done today?, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 11th Dec 2023 @ 10:13pm
Today we have ....
Morning task - revised adding the suffix es to words ending in y. Someties it makes an i sound as in complies and sometimes it makes an ee sound as in babies.
Spelling - we discussed the meaning of the suffix ful and then identified it in this week's spellings.
Reading - we enjoyed reading the text The night before the night before Christmas together and the did an awesome job answering our VIPERS questions.
Maths started with Fluent in Five ( 5 arithmetic questions) and a reasoning task. Most of us then worked on multiplying fractions by fractions. Some children did some work with Mrs Atkinson on mixed numbers.
English - started by listening to the poem The Highwayman - lots of the class were joining in . Today's English task was working with a partner to do a vocabulary task. Having chosen 5 words from a vocab list the children wrote what they thought the word meant in the poem before looking it up in dictionaries- book and online.
PE - it was evidence day today in Gymnastics. The class did an amazing job creating gymnastics sequences using counterbalance and countertension. The sequences were videoed for assessment evidence.
During RE some children went with Mrs Brown to chrch to deliver the Christmas art boards, some were sewing with Mrs Atkinson and some were getting more points for the class on the Times Tables Rock Stars Tournament. We will look at confirmation later in the week when we are all together.
Tomorrow afternoon we will be finishing our geography unit and doing some more work on our playground structures in DT.
Our week ahead., by Mrs Thomson
Date: 11th Dec 2023 @ 6:11pm
Maths - in maths this week we are looking at shapes with four sides and we will be making shapes by combining them together. We are also revisiting different ways of making four and five. (2+3=5)
Phonics - this week the children will be working with Mrs. Morrison and myself to do a phonics check up. We will look at which sounds have stuck and which sounds need a little more work. I have had my socks blown off already! The children have been working hard in class and with you at home with your sound cards. Thank you!
Stories - our traditional tales have taken us to the Jolly Christmas Postman and also The Snowman.
Adventures in the village - tomorrow afternoon we will be going to Longton library for a Christmas story session and an art and craft workshop. Please send hats, gloves and coats so that we are prepared for all weathers. The children will all wear a high visible waistcoat over their coat whilst we walk in the village. ( Library cards are not needed on our short visit tomorrow) We will be back at school and ready for home time as usual.
Christmas jumper day on Thursday.
Friendships - we are doing lots of activities and circle times where we talk about friends, talk about how to be a good friend and also sharing positive comments about our penguin family. We are practising team work and also lots of partner time with different friends.