Our blogs
Messy science!!, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 8th Oct 2021 @ 3:54pm
Tiday we were exploring our sense of touch.We loved touching gloop, jelly and shaving foam.We used some great adjectives to describe how they felt.(we also got very messy , should all come out in the wash...? We also investigated a tray of different objects and again described and then drew what they felt like.
Have a great weekend??
7th October, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 7th Oct 2021 @ 5:18pm
So far this week we have enjoyed measuring in maths, finding things longer or shorter than a fork, investigating who is the tallest in our class and who was the shortest. We also used multlink cubes to measure how long and short objects were. We enjoyed PE today playing different games in 2’s and 3’s practising our rolling skills, catching skills and developing tactics to score a goal!!
6.10.2021 Wellbeing Wednesday, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 6th Oct 2021 @ 8:16pm
A fun day with lots of learning, fresh air and exercise. We are doing very well with our phonics so a big thank you for your help and support at home. We keep adding new sounds to their folders so please carry on going over these at home.
Half of the class went outside this morning for a bike ride as well as some throwing and catching. The rest of the class danced away with ‘squiggle and wriggle’ in the hall. We had fantastic music on today, I hope the children came home singing! We ended the day with story massage.
Maths Venn diagrams, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 6th Oct 2021 @ 1:22pm
Tudor punishments, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 3:29pm
Today we started our lesson by talking about why we learn about history. I was very impressed with the children’s ideas. “To uncover mysteries from the past”. “To see how the world has changed over time” “ To find out how life has improved” “So we can learn how to make things better”.
Our focus was on the Tudor times, we were hoping the punishments wouldn’t be as bad, but they got worse,
Can you work out what the punishments were?
Harvest gifts., by Mrs Catterall
Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 3:05pm
Thank you all for the amazing harvest gifts. The food has been taken to church food bank.
It is very much appreciated
Dragons eyes Clay group 1, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 3:02pm
Year 3 Projects, by Miss Leigh
Date: 4th Oct 2021 @ 4:35pm
Children are welcome to select the theme of their project this year. It may be something which they are interested in, or based on our learning this term.
Marvellous Monday., by Mrs Thomson
Date: 4th Oct 2021 @ 2:51pm
It was lovely to see all the lions back after the weekend. Everyone got to share their exciting weekend news in key worker time with their friends.
Little red riding hood has kept us busy again today! The big bag wolf kept on popping up in class and we also did some hot seating. We have been working hard on our repeating patterns in maths - a big thank you for the Autumn bags which came in today. We are using the materials already!
You may have seen on the school calendar that school projects can be brought into school on the 14th October. We would love your child to bring in a piece of art, a poster, a model or something they have made with your help. This can link to what we have been doing in school, a hobby or something fun you have enjoyed in your family. The projects will be displayed in school and the children will get to share them in class with us all.
Week beginning 27th September, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 4:30pm
This week in Science we carried on exploring the senses using our sense of taste and smell to guess the flavour of crisps. We recorded our favourite flavour , which was beef and onion!
We enjoyed a Science afternoon with Miss Lynch and Mrs Woolley, great fun!! Ask me what we did!! I will put the details of the Science badge on Google classroom so you can complete at home if you would like too.
Thank you so much to the children who made a poster to be our class representives.Keeva and Samuel are our eco warriors and Cole and Maisy are our school parliament representatives.
We enjoyed our Harvest Festival in church, lovely to be back celebrating in church. The scarecrows looked amazing , well done to all the Zebras who enjoyed making one, you will all receive a certificate and winners will be announced on Monday in assembly.
Have a good rest over the weekend, Mrs Pratten ??
Harvest Celebration, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 30th Sep 2021 @ 9:47pm
We had a lovely morning working on our phonics and then making story maps of little red riding hood.
The afternoon was very exciting when we went to church with our buddies to celebrate harvest.
A wet and wild Wednesday., by Mrs Thomson
Date: 29th Sep 2021 @ 8:49pm
Thank you so much for working so hard on the wonderful scarecrows! The lions loved sharing them and we love how creative everyone has been.
We started the day with squiggle and wriggle and we danced away to Mamma Mia. We definitely recommend that it will wake you up and make you smile if you have a go at home. (For this we need old rolls of wallpaper so please send any old or spare rolls in that you have finished with. Thank you)
Unfortunately we haven’t had any volunteers for our Thursday secret readers yet. It will be lovely to welcome you or a family member into our classroom for half an hour. Story time is a lovely special time in the classroom and it will benefit our early readers to hear a variety of stories read by different adults.
Welcome to our buddies!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 28th Sep 2021 @ 9:49pm
Today the lions got to meet their year five buddies! It was a very exciting morning! The children shared books together and got to chat to their new friend. Some lions ventured off around school to see the year five classroom. Only two sleeps until they can walk to church holding hands with their buddy!
Take a peep at our forest with Grandma's cottage. Great teamwork - Teamwork Tuesday! We will be making the characters tomorrow.
Trip to meet our buddies, by Mr Pearson
Date: 28th Sep 2021 @ 11:02am
The Meerkats have spent an hour meeting their new Lion buddies today.
friendships have been forged with lots of smiles and fun.
A soggy start!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 27th Sep 2021 @ 6:46pm
Well the rain did not stop the lions having fun and being amazing explorers this morning! Wellies and puddle suits on and off we went! We used our amazing senses to explore and we have made a fantastic start at creating Grannies forest in our classroom. We had our hot chocolate back at school as we dried off.
A lovely day to look forward to tomorrow! PE in the morning followed by a special time meeting our year five buddies! Very exciting!
A little visitor, by Miss Leigh
Date: 27th Sep 2021 @ 9:19am
Mrs Gaskell very kindly brought “Ollie Bob” into school for us to see and learn about.
Forces experiment, by Mr Pearson
Date: 25th Sep 2021 @ 9:05am
We have been investigating forces in science and conducted an investigation into the effects of gravity and what the best design of a parachute would create the most wind resistance.
Another fun filled afternoon of learning.
Week beginning 20th September, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 4:33pm
This week we have enjoyed finding out about some of our senses, looking and listening. We had a partner , one had to close their eyes and the other to lead them carefully.It felt a bit scary when you closed your eyes! In maths we have been comparing numbers and objects, one more ,one less , which is greater , which is less. We enjoyed watching weather forecasts in Geography and collecting weather words and symbols. More rolling through targets and along a line in PE.
Have a lovely weekend, don’t forget homework on google classroom.If you want to be part of our school parliament or eco team get thinking about why you would be a good choice.We will be voting next week?
23rd September, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 9:02pm
Good evening! Some lovely photos to see and also a little more information.
Autumn walk - on Monday we are going to walk to ‘The Grove’ which is at the bottom of School Lane. We will walk on the path through the trees and go onto the main field looking for signs of autumn and observing the seasonal changes. We are hoping to collect some conkers, leaves and acorns to bring back to the classroom as we make the forest for Grandmas cottage (Little red riding hood). We will be using our senses by listening to sounds in the trees, observing changes and colours, tasting and smelling our hot chocolate and touching the nature we find. The weather forecast does look fine so far but please send in a coat on Monday. We have wellies and puddle suits in class if they are needed but it doesn’t look like we will need the woolly hats or gloves just yet.
Secret readers - From Monday I will put a calendar up on our class window. If you would like to put your name down against a date to become a surprise reader I would be very grateful. Don’t forget if you are unable to help you could always ask Grandma or Grandad as they would be very welcome. We can provide you with a class favourite book to read or if you prefer you can bring one of your own family favourites in.
Thank you, Mrs. Thomson
Anglo Saxon Wergild, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 8:45pm
We have had an exciting history lesson today. Did you know in the Anglo-Saxon times the criminal would have to pay wergild (compensation to the victim), the amount paid would depend on the injuries the victim had. We had 6 teams who had to work out how much they were owed based on the injuries they received.
We then took on roles of a jury, Anglo Saxon or a modern Britain and had to argue the punishment for different crimes from that period of History’s point of view.
A Busy Few Weeks, by Mr Kennedy
Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 4:41pm
The Penguins have been super busy with their learning over the past few weeks. We have been exploring The Nowhere Emporium and continuing to develop our reading. The children have been working on their big writing techniques - writing both about The Nowhere Emporium and Midas Touch!
We have been consolidating our learning of place value and rounding and this week exploring new concepts in relation to algebra and algebra conventions - great work across all maths these past two weeks Penguins, I am very proud!
In science, we continue to work hard in our exploration of space and the movement of Earth and The Moon.
This week we also had a visitor from a lovely Buddist lady who shared her experiences and techniques to maintain a positive outlook and mindfullness - you can check out our work here.
We have been building our leadership in PE which can also be seen HERE
and check out our other surprise visitor HERE
Wow Cards!, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 22nd Sep 2021 @ 10:03pm
If your child does something out of school that makes you feel very proud, they surprise you or you would just like to share a special moment with us please print off a wow card, fill it in and send it into school in your child’s book bag. We will share this ‘Wow Moment’ in class and celebrate your child’s special moment with them. (Wow moments can be big or small but will always be special. This is a lovely way to capture those special times and share them with us).
Wonderful Wednesday, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 22nd Sep 2021 @ 9:53pm
I hope everyone has received our Autumn letter today. More information about the super secret readers should follow soon. If you have any questions about anything on the letter please feel free to ask us. I will put the ‘Wow’ cards on the blog so you can print them off whenever you need them and send them back to school whenever you would like to share a special moment with us.
The children enjoyed story massage trains this morning. I hope they enjoy sharing the ‘humpty dumpty’ and ‘twinkle twinkle’ massages with you.
Teamwork Tuesday, by Mrs Thomson
Date: 21st Sep 2021 @ 10:54pm
We started our day with PE in the hall. We enjoyed our new theme which is ‘Elmer the Elephant’. We made lots of wide and thin shapes and travelled in different directions altering the size of our steps. We used some apparatus which everyone loved!
We were introduced to Jigsaw Jenie who is our very special jigsaw piece in the reception classroom. Today he used a chime to help us feel calm. He will join our lessons in personal, social and emotional development each week.
The lions became ‘super spotters’ for the afternoon. We didn’t realise we had so many words on the walls showing our sound ‘ssss’. We had a classroom and outdoor hunt looking for things that start with the ‘sssss’ sound.