Our blogs

Roman crime and punishment, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 16th Sep 2021 @ 8:43pm

We explored the consequences for some of the crimes in a Roman times.  The elephants are glad they didn’t live then.  We extended our knowledge of key vocabulary.  Judge, jury, lawyer, court, victim, witness.

Busy busy!!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 16th Sep 2021 @ 4:25pm

This week the Zabras have been busy, busy sticking bodies back together and labelling them. We have been using our bodies in PE to roll, hop, skip, jump and throw, In maths we have been making numbers with tens and ones. We loved finding out about Marie Curie with Mrs Woolley and Miss Lynch and printed some hand X - rays. In Geography we have been talking about the different seasons and the months  that fall in each one.

Dont forget homework on Google classroom, rainbow numbers this week.??Keep reading and have a good rest over the weekend.?

Wellbeing Wednesday (15th Sept), by Mrs Thomson

Date: 15th Sep 2021 @ 9:38pm

We have taken today a little slower as it has been wellbeing Wednesday. We started the day being ‘adventurers’. We went into the hall for our first assembly! We were amazing and we listened to a lady talk about being a Buddhist. We got a class compliment from Mrs Fletcher.

Our photos show our story massage time which was ‘Humpty Dumpty’. The children are very excited to show you their super skills. Perhaps you could try it at bedtime as massage helps to get a great night sleep. 

We are also learning a poem. We have sent you a little clip of us practicing.

Tuesday 14th September, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 14th Sep 2021 @ 10:04pm

A huge thank you to you all! We are so pleased with how your children are settling into school and that they are growing in confidence and finding their feet more every day. Thank you for all your hard work at home and keeping us informed with daily messages which we appreciate very much.

We are enjoying learning more and more about the children and they are very proud of their ‘All about me’ books which they love to share. We support the children with the activities both inside and outside of the classroom and are encouraging them with putting their coats on, using a knife and fork and going to the toilet.

Please can I remind you that at the end of the school day you enter school by the field gate and leave by walking around school and exiting through the front main gate. This is to ensure a safe one way system.


Marvellous Monday!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 13th Sep 2021 @ 9:35pm

What an amazing tribe of happy and energetic Lions! We have had a busy day of new challenges and we have started our new topic, ‘Marvellous Me’.

We are enjoying sharing our ‘All about me’ books. Today we have bathed babies, made birthday cakes, created puppets of ourselves, made a wooden village and even painted portraits. We started the day looking after our bodies by exercising with dough disco.

Science - Is it a circuit?, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 13th Sep 2021 @ 4:49pm

Today we made predictions about whether different drawings of circuits would actually work or not.  We not only had to predict if they would or would not but also try to explain why we thought that using our previous knowledge.  

We then made and tested each of them out. 

Cricket session 1, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 13th Sep 2021 @ 4:45pm

Chris our cricket coach came today we had great fun practising our catching and then finished off with a game of 7 bats.  Well done Elephants you showed great focus and fantastic teamwork. 

Meet the Meerkat teacher, by Mr Pearson

Date: 13th Sep 2021 @ 12:09pm

If you were unable to attend meet the teacher please find attached the information shared. 

Cricket with Lancashire, by Mr Pearson

Date: 13th Sep 2021 @ 11:58am

Today we have had the pleasure of Chris Riley, a cricket coach from Lancashire County Cricketclub come into school to coach our class. 

Art-Dragon eyes, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 10th Sep 2021 @ 9:03pm

This week we used pencil crayons to create a range of shades of colour.  We explored colour combinations and techniques, pressing hard/light, building up with 1 colour over another.  I was blown away by their focus and concentration.  I’m sure you’ll agree they look amazing.  I can’t wait to see their own dragon eye drawings and designs next week. 

PSHE - Jigsaw bingo, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 10th Sep 2021 @ 8:48pm

We played a great game this week. We filled in a bingo board with our answers to questions like our favourite colour, subject food, the worst TV programme, someone they admire, what sport they would win an Olympic gold medal in etc.  We then had to go around the room to find someone who had the same answer and write their name in the box.  If they managed to fill 3 boxes in a row they shouted ‘Bingo’.  It was a great way to get to know our friends better, see our similarities and differences and accept each other for who they are and how we can like different things and be friends. A fantastic Elephant tribe. 

Meet the teacher, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 10th Sep 2021 @ 8:41pm

Thank you to those of you who joined our meet the teacher chat. Don’t worry if you couldn’t make it, all the information is to be found on the main class page of our website and I have also added a year 4 general info section to google classroom.

Please let me know if there is anything you would find useful for me to post on here for you.

We are hoping to be able to go swimming this year I will let you know the details as soon as they are available. 

A busy week, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 10th Sep 2021 @ 1:38pm

The Pandas have had a very busy week. They are all trying really hard with their learning. We have now made a start in all of our curriculum areas so the children have had a taste of what Year 2 learning is going to be like.

As a class we are focussing on developing our listening skills, listening to adults and to each other.

We have had our first KS1 assembly in the hall which was lovely as it has been  a long time since we have been able to do that.

Toast and milk lists are now up and running. For those children not having toast please can we remind you that he children only need 1 healthy snack with them ofr morning playtime. Fruit is provided in the afternoon.

Today the class have met their new teachers for French, Music and sport and enjoyed computing with Coding Becky. Art with a specialist teacher will begin next Friday.

Than you to the parents who joined me on Wednesday fior meet the teacher. A copy of the leter and what we talked through is now on the class website page.


Hope you all have a lovely weekend

Mrs Fletcher and Mrs Woolley 

Back into the swing of things., by Mr Kennedy

Date: 10th Sep 2021 @ 9:52am

It's been a great full week back in the year 6 classroom with lots of brainpower! 

We have been exploring our new text 'The Nowhere Emporium' in English and investigating key vocabulary and its impact on the reader and the senses.

In Maths we have been deepening our understanding of place values in numbers up to 10,000,000! 

History welcomed us to Ancient Greece as we explored the timeline before we delve in further to key events and people.

In Jigsaw, we have been understanding the universal rights of children and where our chocolate comes from. We compared agriculture to farming in the UK.

In Science,  we have been exploring and investigating how the Earth, Moon move and their relationship with the Sun - you can have a look at this lesson HERE

Have a wonderful weekend!


A great start with a welly walk - Thursday 9th September, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 9th Sep 2021 @ 8:48pm

We started the day with a welly walk! We had a good look around the running track, at the apple trees in the orchard and then we headed to the front of school to collect sticks from under the trees. Mrs. Thomson did plan for rain so we could wear our puddle suits but it stayed sunny for us.

We painted using our sticks and also had a lot of fun in the sand pit.

Learning fun, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 9th Sep 2021 @ 4:01pm

This week the Zebras have been learning all about what their bodies can do,in Geography they have been thinking about the different types of weather we have and when this might happen. We had fun in PE moving in different ways, balancing beanbags on different parts of our bodies and throwing them into hoops.This afternoon we played some parachute games.We had to listen carefully and all work together.We were fantastic and loved it!

Wellbeing Wednesday!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 8th Sep 2021 @ 5:10pm

Wellbeing Wednesday started with PE in the hall. The lions were fantastic at getting changed and I have my fingers crossed that everyone has gone home in their own uniform. We have been very busy again today although we had lots of time to cool down as the heat made us feel a little sleepy. We made colour bottles for our puppet show and finished the day with story massage. The lions were amazing at the ‘Twinkle Twinkle’ massage.

How do we make the bulb light up?, by Mrs Catterall

Date: 8th Sep 2021 @ 1:52pm

More pictures from our sunny second day!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 7th Sep 2021 @ 9:33pm

A sunny and happy second day!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 7th Sep 2021 @ 2:41pm

Busy busy again! We started the day by going into the hall to talk about PE. We couldn’t resist playing some games. The children would like to start PE tomorrow. Please make sure pump bags and wellies are sent into school.

If children are not having toast, please send one healthy snack in their book bag. Thank you for sending caps and suncream in bookbags today. The children put cream on before their lunch time play and wore their caps.


First day in school., by Mrs Thomson

Date: 6th Sep 2021 @ 5:14pm

What an amazing first day! We have been busy lions! Lots of talking, sharing games and getting to know our new friends. Brave, adventurous and very kind lions!!

Google Classroom Log in details, by Miss Leigh

Date: 6th Sep 2021 @ 4:11pm


Today I have sent out with your child a copy of their new google password.  The user name remains unchanged.  Please keep this new password safe as it will be used for homework, meet the teacher and in school.  

We've made a wonderful start to the year.  

Take Care, 

Mrs Leigh 

Welcome Back, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 5th Sep 2021 @ 12:16pm

The Pandas have made a super start to Year 2. They have settled in well and are working hard.

We will be sending new Google Classroom passwords home with the children on Monday. You will need them to join the Meet The Teacher meeting on Wednesday afternoon and to access homework.

PE will start on Tuesday as=nd reading books will be changed on Wednesdays.


First few days back., by Mrs Catterall

Date: 4th Sep 2021 @ 8:57pm

3 days back and the children have been amazing, they have settled back in and are shining brightly.  This week we began our science topic all about Electricity, explored 3 and 4 and 6 and 6 digit numbers, reading and writing them! Our English work is about the genre of Fantasy. We are focusing on dragons as an aspect of this genre.  We have read a book called - ‘Tell me a dragon’ and matched up sentences to describe the dragons before having a go and writing our own.  We have linked this to our art unit of work where we will explore shades of colour using pencil crayons before designing and making a dragons eye out of clay. 

A great start!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 3rd Sep 2021 @ 3:42pm

The Pandas have had a great start to life in Year 1. A mixture of more formal activities and continuous provision. You can find out what we have been up to on this blog and talk to your children about their learning as we progress through the year.

In Year 1 the children have a morning snack which can be a healthy snack from home or toast provided by school.Toast is starting on Monday and if you would like your child to have toast, it is 20 p a day paid for each half term, so this half term will be £7. Please hand it in to Linda in the office, in a named envelope and class too. You have to order for the half term you can’t choose daily or weekly.

Meet the teacher is on Wednesday and will be via Google classroom,please note the passwords have changed to make them more child friendly.The children will come home on Monday with the updated ones.

Have a lovely weekend,see you all on Monday?