Our blogs
Guided Reading, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 25th Nov 2019 @ 7:53pm
Today the Elephants have had an amazing guided reading session. Mrs Fletcher’s groups looked at The Littlest Dragon through their phonics and grammar lens. They did a great job choosing a word they could read and explaining why it was a tricky word using their phonics.
Busy Elephants , by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 24th Nov 2019 @ 9:20pm
The Elephants have had another busy week. They continued to learn about the moon, have learnt facts about the USA and been scary aliens in dance.
They have enjoyed the challenge of have a go spelling and rainbow spelling this week and did an amazing job learning the progressive past and present tense in English. In maths we have been busy learning about multiplication
Please can any remaining boxes , tubes etc come into school this coming week so we can begin making our space buggies. Also any bits of yellow packaging, paper, fabric would be much appreciated for our candle to go in church.
Repeating patterns, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 22nd Nov 2019 @ 3:49pm
This week the Koalas have been busy being pattern detectives .They have created their own repeating patterns and have been amazing at spotting the rules for lots of different patterns.👍
Buddy read, by Mrs Hothersall
Date: 22nd Nov 2019 @ 10:53am
This morning we have met our buddies and we have read our favourite stories.
21st of November, by Miss Reynolds
Date: 21st Nov 2019 @ 3:15pm
this week has been amazing! On tuesday we did animations on the computers all day. in the morning of tuesday we had to work on the animation app. after we learnt how to work the app everyone designed there own.
on wednesday morning , everyboby did maths with miss leigh. in the afternoon we write full sentences in french and made christmas card for the old peoples in music .
today, we did a cross word in english and 10% in maths . in the afternoon everyone did pe in groups .
grace and evie
Investigating factors, by Mr Pearson
Date: 18th Nov 2019 @ 11:46am
A practical investigation using arrays to identify factors of different numbers.
Week ending 15 November, by Mr Pearson
Date: 17th Nov 2019 @ 12:36pm
Weekly spellings and this week were (immature, immeasurable, impossible immortal, imperfect, impatient, immovable, impolite, and improper)
Next on Monday, in grammar all the class did a whole class comprehension based on Remembrance Day with tricky questions.
Coming onto writing, we had tried to plan our own story based on Mousehole Cat and then on the next day we started writing our own story using our plan and we ran out of time to do it on Tuesday, so we kept on doing it on the next day and a few of us finished it on Wednesday. On Friday, we used editing stations around the classroom to edit our final piece.
In maths, we were focusing on leaning the 6 and 9 times table, we have been studying division facts. We are becoming fluent and are now developing mastery skills by using and applying our knowledge.
In Geography, we have studied the Arctic and Antarctic areas. Did you know that if all the ice melted on Antarctic Longton wouldn’t exist anymore as sea levels would rise 65m!
Afternoon fun in reception, by Mrs Hothersall
Date: 14th Nov 2019 @ 7:16pm
Everyone has been working and playing really lovely today, take a quick look!
numicon fun in maths this week, by Mrs Hothersall
Date: 14th Nov 2019 @ 7:09pm
we have had so much fun finding out about numbers up to 20, looking at what the numbers look like in objects and how we write them.
Brilliant Booths!, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 14th Nov 2019 @ 2:16pm
We had a really interesting visit to Booths this morning. We were allowed into the back to see where all the food is kept, we went in the fridges and the freezer, ask the children how cold it was! We saw the whole store from the managers office. The best bit was having a ride on the scissor lift used for deliveries.
Some children helped Mrs Thomson get some shopping for school and were allowed to put it through the checkouts - a great trip thank you Booths!
Remembrance Day , by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 11th Nov 2019 @ 9:15pm
The children all looked wonderful in their Remembrance Day outfits. Thank you everyone for making such a wonderful effort. We have spent the day remembering . After play the classs joined in the whole school service of remembrance. After that we looked at a verse from the poem Fallen and thought about its meaning. This afternoon the children wrote down their thought about what memories are before listening to a story which helped tem to understand the meaning of memories even more. Next they wrote about who we remember on Remembrance Day and the ways in which we remember.
We even had time to elect Poppy and Theo as Rotakids and we finished the day listening to some Michael Rosen poems which we found very funny.
Where the poppies now grow, by Mrs Hothersall
Date: 11th Nov 2019 @ 8:50pm
Today we read the story, Where thecpoppies now grow by Hilary Robinson. We thought about the soldiers and we made pictures and poppies. We had a very lovely Remembrance Assembly.
The week ahead 11th November, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 11th Nov 2019 @ 6:38pm
It is a really busy week in the Meerkat tribe this week.
On Friday it is our class assembly so we are busy writing, preparing and practising so we can WOW you.
We have been busy making some sculptures. I’ve not posted any pictures for two reasons;
1. My hands have been too gooey to be able to pick up the iPad! and
2. We want to keep it a surprise till Friday.
During the week our maths work will focus on the 3 and 4 times tables, number sequences and using Venn and Carroll diagrams.
Our English work will be writing a story about an astronaut searching for a planet - our own innovation of Bob and the vanishing moon.
Remembrance celebrations, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 11th Nov 2019 @ 5:01pm
The children have really learnt a lot today about Remembrance Day, they enjoyed our special assembly and all looked amazing in their Remembrance costumes.
Remembrance Service , by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 11th Nov 2019 @ 11:39am
This morning we welcomed Mr Turner to be part of our Remembrance Service.
Parliament Week, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 10th Nov 2019 @ 3:17pm
This week the children have learnt about Parliament, the Gunpowder plot and had fun completing a bonfire night themed maths challenge.
on Friday Pippa brought Rainbow bear into school to visit us.
in DT we have been designing moon buggies. Please can the children collect cereal boxes, plastic bottles and cardboard tubes to use to build their buggies.
County Hall Visit, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 10th Nov 2019 @ 3:09pm
On Wednesday members of our school parliament visited County Hall. They listened to a presentation about how Lancashire County Council works delivered by Josh Mynott. The presentation took place in the council chamber. The children were joined by County Councillor Graham Gooch who is also a governor of our school and by County Councillor Jayne Rear who is the lead member for Young People. The children learnt a lot about Lancashire and the work of the council during their visit.
Mousehole Cat, by Mr Pearson
Date: 10th Nov 2019 @ 2:44pm
To start off the new week as always, we investigated our new spellings (inactive, incapable, incredible, inaccurate, irregular, irrational, irresponsible, irresistible) We then put them into sentences.
Next is P.E and this week in it we tried to put 3 balances into a sequence together with a partner which was easy for some and more challenging for others. In fitness Mr Pearson has started a bleep test running.
In writing, we wrote a longer piece of independent writing based on a continuation of a story of a person who was in danger.
In English for this week we learnt about similes and how we can use them to extend description in our writing. We also investigated fronted adverbials linked to our focus text. In the next days we were doing lots of thing about our story for the week The Mousehole Cat and first we wrote a diary of the man Tom in the story and then on Friday we wrote bits of description for our own story that we will do next week.
Moving onto maths, we were learning multiplying and dividing by different numbers.
Almost at the end is Music, using our recorders we learnt the note G and this week’s special people are Emily who got the music badge and then the person who got the recorder case was Joel
Nearly to finish is Art and in this week we tried do printing and how this works is we draw in pencil and then it prints onto the other side were ink is.
Lastly, is French and in that lesson we learnt all about Vegetables in French
By Oliver and Lucie
Gruffalo Week, by Mrs Hothersall
Date: 9th Nov 2019 @ 10:03am
Gruffalo week has been so much fun. We have added Gruffalos, drawn a story map and eaten owl ice cream and Gruffalo crumble. Yum!
Being fantastic learners, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 8th Nov 2019 @ 5:01pm
This week the Koalas have got into role and done some more hot seating as Winnie the witch, we have been taking away in maths, first, then, now. Today we have been geographers and have been looking for physical and human features on our way to the park. (Of course we had a sneaky play !!)
Thank you to all those parents who came in and read with the Koalas on Monday, it was a lovely afternoon and lots of books were shared.
This week!, by Miss Reynolds
Date: 8th Nov 2019 @ 3:04pm
Monday-We started off learning about parliament, we moved our tables to look like the House of commons. One side was the opposition and the other was the government, Katie was our speaker and Oscar was our prime minister as well as Rebecca being the head of the opposition. We were debating about whether we should go to school when we are 7 and never go to school again. The debates were very strange but we stil had fun!
Tuesday-On Tuesday we read about a debate speech about why the vikings shouldn't stay in our country. Later we went on to talk about what we would change.
Wednesday-We went on to further detail in our viking debate! After we did computing, music and french!
Thursday- We read about a person who wanted to change all of the bad things about black people in America, that speech on what we read was spoken by Martin Luther King! After lunch we built a timeline about what happened in the golden ages of Islam and the dark ages between 570 AD and 1300 AD!
Friday-We talked about our dream jobs, then later wrote a persuasive text on why our dream jobs are the best! In the afternoon we all had a choice on wwhat we do, art or maths!
KS1 event , by Mrs Pratten
Date: 6th Nov 2019 @ 10:23am
Well done to Year 2 who enjoyed a sporty morning at Priory Academy. They took part in lots of sporting challenges and had a taster of yoga, they all said it was great!
Longton Library Activity, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 4th Nov 2019 @ 5:12pm
Trailblazers Book Club – 11:00am-11:45am, this Saturday 9th November
Our book club aimed at children aged 6-11 is relaunching this Saturday!
This time we are looking at special books that tell us the stories of real people – biographies! We'll read one together and then use the computers to find out interesting things about famous people like leaders, inventors, sports stars and more.
Everybody's welcome – even if you've never been to Trailblazers before!
This event is a free drop-in session.
This would be a great event for year 3 children to attend, we will be looking at writing biographies in a few weeks time. In class we will be focusing on astronauts. Maybe you could get a head start on your research.