Reception - Kangaroos: Blog items

Kind Kangaroos!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 13th Sep 2024 @ 3:41pm

What a wonderful week! Superstar children!!

Kind words, kind hands and kind feet! Our classroom has been cared for and the children have shown kindess to each other!

A lovely day of phonics, music, drama and dancing! I think your kangaroo may be ready for a rest over weekend!

Yesterday I sent home a plastic wallet of sounds. I hope your kangaroo taught you the actions and the sounds! They did say they were going to be Mrs.Thomson!

Please look at these sounds as often as you can because this will help when the reading books come home. Please send the wallet back to school in your book bag every Thursday morning. New cards and words will be added to the wallet each Thursday.

Highlights from our week -

  • The kangaroos met their year 5 buddy. They got to share their 'All about Me' books with their new year five friends
  • We started learning a song for our Harvest celebration. We will sing it and also sign it in Makaton.
  • We have started our phonics adventure! A new sound has appeared everyday!
  • We all found a new friend to play with by finding who had the missing piece to a heart.
  • We joined in with year one and year two singing practice.

An exciting day tomorrow!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 9th Sep 2024 @ 9:01pm

Tomorrow the kangaroos will meet their year five buddies. Both classes are so excitied! Our buddies will come and have story sessions with us, play afternoons and they will hold our hands when we walk to church for celebration assemblies. Tomorrow we will be sharing our 'All about me' books with them and have a story time together.

Today we started our phonics learning. The kangaroos did a sorting game finding objects which start with the 's' sound, we had a practise of writing the sound holding a pencil correctly. We did an activity on the scissor station and also set up our 'wow' washing line to hang up pictures, writing and crafts that we are proud of! Super busy kangaroos!

Lots of kangaroos had their name on one of our 'super stars' today. Our mission for this week is to 'use kind words'. Everytime we hear someone using kind words in class and around school the kangaroos find their name star and pop it on the board. 

Wonderful Wednesday!, by Mrs Thomson

Date: 4th Sep 2024 @ 7:01pm

The kangaroos have been superstars today!

Our day began with a PE lesson in the hall. We worked on moving safely, finding spaces, working on positions (next to, around, behind and in front of) and also our driving skills. Our hearts were beating very fast and we worked up an appetite for our toast and milk.

We have been using scissors, writing our name, painting a self portrait and exploring our classroom and outdoor area. We managed to get the bikes out today whilst the sun was shining.

Mrs.Morrison took groups of children on a Longton Primary School tour this afternoon. You can see from the pictures that they met lots of our staff and visited lots of classes today.

I am looking forward to chatting to you next week at our 'meet the teacher' afternoon. I have lots of exciting news to share with you!


Contact the School

Longton Primary School

School Ln

Main Contact: Georgia Whiteman or Nicola Cox

Tel: 01772 612495

SEN Contact: Rebecca Catterall and Di Regan

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