Our blogs

Great textiles, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 23rd May 2016 @ 7:55pm

Super effort from all involved in textiles today.

Clay, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 23rd May 2016 @ 2:11pm

Today 45 children chose to work with clay. Instead of using traditional clay they had the opportunity to work with silk clay which is very soft and comes in lovely colours . They were set the task of creating three dimensional samba dancers using the clay, jewels and feathers . Everyone worked hard and produced amazing models.

Digital Art , by Mr Coxhead

Date: 23rd May 2016 @ 12:19pm

Pupils from Y1 to Y6 have produced some fantastic digital art today!

If they'd like to continue digital pixel art at home, we would recommend using:


Alternatively, you can use a free iPad app. Today, the children used Dottable.

For photo editing, we would recommend a fantastic free app called Snapseed.


Story writing, by Miss Adamson

Date: 22nd May 2016 @ 8:37pm

This week we have planned and written a story based on our reading of Percy the Park Keeper books. We learned that stories have an opening, problem and resolution. See if you can guess which parts we are miming in the photos!

Sign Language, by Miss Adamson

Date: 22nd May 2016 @ 8:34pm

On Friday, Lois's mum kindly came to class to teach the Bongos about sign language. We all learned to sign our names and she very kindly made us picture cards to help us remember. We learned about how people who are deaf communicate and had the chance to ask some questions. We had a fantastic afternoon and are so grateful to Annie for teaching us! Thank you!

Well done Giraffes, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 20th May 2016 @ 11:46am

Well done to every single member of the Giraffe tribe for working so hard this week. They have completed check up week with confidence and smiley  faces😀. Mrs Woolley and I are (as we always are) very proud of them. 

No homework this weekend, just reading books.

Holiday passports will come home next week ready for the holidays. If yours is still at home please pop it in book bags on Monday so I can look at it.

Today we have had a relaxing day choosing activities linked to two of our favourite book. Bob MAn on the Moon and Dougal, Diary of a Deep Sea Diver.

We have watched a video clip of a chapter from out class story The Faraway Tree and later on we will be playing cricket.

Today has also been Jessica's first day as a Giraffe and we welcome her to Longton.


Rousseau's Rainforest. , by Mr Monckton

Date: 19th May 2016 @ 5:16pm

We have been looking at the art work of Henri Rousseau. We looked at the paintings of Two Monkey's in the jungle and Tiger in a tropical storm (Surprised!). 

The children have started to create their own inspired pieces of art using water colours before we add more detail using Oil Pastels. 

Walking cross-country to Little Hoole..., by Mr Coxhead

Date: 19th May 2016 @ 3:02pm

Year 6 were successful in their challenge! We navigated cross-country to Little Hoole in good time.

Orienteering fun!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 19th May 2016 @ 9:45am

Today the Bears were off outside for orienteering fun, they were all up for the challenge !

Exploring states of matter, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 19th May 2016 @ 9:43am

Yesterday the Bears had fun finding out how the particles in solids, liquids and gases are different. They went outside and. packed tightly together for solids, looser for liquids and freer for gases. 

Next, was investigating how solids can turn into liquids and how different liquids will melt at different rates.

Class compliment treat, by Miss Adamson

Date: 18th May 2016 @ 8:16am

We have filled up another full sheet of class compliments from members of staff around school. Well done Bongos! As a treat for all our effort we had a fun afternoon where we blew bubbles, watched Dumbo and iced biscuits!

Year 6 teach Computing to Year 1, by Mr Coxhead

Date: 16th May 2016 @ 4:54pm

Year 6 have planned a series of computer programming lessons which they will be delivering to Year 1 throughout the coming weeks. 

Their first session this afternoon was focussed on helping the Year 1 children to understand that we can use special instructions called 'algorithms' which tell computers what to do.

It was an abolsute pleasure to watch Year 6 deliver their lessons. They were incredibly caring, patient and supportive with Year 1.

iPads apps (Scratch Jr and BeeBot) are being used to support the learning. 

Celebratory breakfast, by Mr Coxhead

Date: 16th May 2016 @ 4:48pm

Year 6 feasted on croissants (and other similar breakfast items) on Friday...

Fun fun fun, by Mrs Hothersall

Date: 13th May 2016 @ 8:34pm

We learn lots through our play. Take a look at some of this weeks learning.

Phonics outside...., by Mrs Hothersall

Date: 13th May 2016 @ 8:28pm

this week we have been doing phonics inside, outside and under a parachute! We've had lots of fun whilst we were learning new sounds.

Feeling the heat!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 13th May 2016 @ 6:35pm

The Bears enjoyed thei afternoon taking different temperatures around school. They learnt how to read the scale on the thermometers and a great discussion was had about the results!

Class Hoodies, by Mr Coxhead

Date: 12th May 2016 @ 3:53pm

Having worked extremely hard over the last few weeks, Year 6 have very much enjoyed making the most of the good weather this afternoon.

They also received their new class hoodies.

Homework, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 12th May 2016 @ 1:47pm

As a reward for all of their super hard work the Giraffes have a week off from homework. Please enjoy your weekend doing fun things .

Mrs Fletcher and Mrs Woolley


Science - seed bursts, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 12th May 2016 @ 10:18am

The Tigers were investigating seed dispersal and were considering whether the size of the pod would affect the distance the seeds would travel. 

They used their scientific knowledge to predict and maths skills to measure and record. 

Ask them what they found out? 

Making vehicles, by Mrs Hothersall

Date: 11th May 2016 @ 5:05pm

This week we are being designers, inventors and makers.....we have been busy designing and then making a vehicle of our choice. Here are just some of us at work!

Amazon Adventure, by Mr Monckton

Date: 11th May 2016 @ 4:05pm

Today the Kangaroos have been working together as a team to build a shelter that we could use in the rainforest. 

They all had a fantastic time. 

Splashing about in the river........, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 9th May 2016 @ 3:43pm

The Bears had a fabulous time studying the River Lostock, we caught some interesting "critters" in the river, we measured how fast the river was flowing, using ducks. We also learnt some new river vocabulary , meander, deposit action, transportation are some examples. This afternoon we carried out some panning, ( unfortunately no gold!) and looked at how the river had changed the appearance of the stones and rocks. We also had a raft race and measured how wide and deep the river was. A fantastic day, helped by the weather, some very weary Bears returned back to school!

Anyone for tennis?, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 6th May 2016 @ 7:08pm

Well done to years 3 and 4 who represented our school superbly well  today in a  tennis tournament.They showed great determination and effort against other schools , we are very proud of them!

DT projects, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 6th May 2016 @ 6:59pm

We had fun making a practice money container, we used washing up cloths and tried out our templates, we had to make some adjustments but our sewing is improving!

Experimenting with liquids, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 6th May 2016 @ 6:54pm

The Bears had fun testing how quickly liquids would run down a slope, we set up a fair test and timed the liquids. We predicted that water would be the fastest and most predicted syrup. We were right with water but amazed at how slow tomato sauce was!

Contact the School

Longton Primary School

School Ln

Main Contact: Georgia Whiteman or Nicola Cox

Tel: 01772 612495

SEN Contact: Rebecca Catterall and Di Regan

SEN Email: senco@longton.lancs.sch.uk