Our blogs

Story telling, by Miss Adamson

Date: 27th May 2016 @ 10:02am

A story teller came into school to share some stories with us. We even got to download stories to one another and pretend that we were witches! 

Dance day, by Miss Adamson

Date: 27th May 2016 @ 8:22am

It was so much fun to spend a whole day learning about dance and working together with other children from year one to year six. Everyone worked so hard, despite the heat! I am so impressed with the hard work that everyone put in to learn the dance and make up their own choreography.

Arts Week update, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 26th May 2016 @ 6:40pm

Thursday started with a visit from Sam Art. The children created sports people using card and wool.After play when MrsAinsworth took over they had a visit from Dominic, a story teller. This afternoon they learnt about basic first aid. I am looking forward to hearing about the story teller and the first aid when I am back in class tomorrow.

Arts Week Thursday, by Mr Monckton

Date: 26th May 2016 @ 3:54pm

Today has been a fantastic day. We started the day with Rory our first aid trainer from St John's Ambulance. We had a fantastic morning learning all about why first aid is important, what to do if someone had an asthma attack and also what to put in our first aid kits. After break we looked at what to do if we found someone unconscious and using our  primary survey and our DRS ABC (Danger, Response, Shout, Airway, Breathing, Circulation). We also managed to put each other in the recovery position and how to deal with choking. We finished by looking at bleeding and dressing wounds. Rory also set us some homework and make sure we are talking about first aid. 

This afternoon, some of the boys had a great - Dominic a story teller came and told us all some great stories whilst the rest of the class were out at choir. He even managed to retell the story in 75 seconds before we tried it ourselves. 

A massive thank you to Mrs Little from Penwortham Girls High who came and performed a samba song with us. 

We finished the day with our buddies in Reception sharing some stories from our Arts Week and also had a chance to meet the baby pheasants and ducklings. 

This week has flown by! We can't wait for our final day of Arts Week with Mrs Ainsworth. 

Zentangle art , by Miss Adamson

Date: 26th May 2016 @ 3:40pm

We have decorated pictures of famous Brazilian symbols in a Zentangle style. We are proud of the effect that we have created.

Raphael the tortoise, by Miss Adamson

Date: 26th May 2016 @ 3:01pm

Summer's mum and little brother brought Summer's lovely new tortoise to meet the bongos. He was the speediest tortoise that we've ever seen!

Ducklings and chicks, by Miss Adamson

Date: 26th May 2016 @ 9:16am

We were so lucky to get to visit the ducklings and pheasant chicks in reception. They were very cute and speedy!

Favela art, by Miss Adamson

Date: 26th May 2016 @ 8:33am

We have been learning about favela in Brazil. We have used crayons and some oil pastels to make our houses look bright and colourful.

Sports for Schools , by Miss Adamson

Date: 26th May 2016 @ 7:36am

We worked so hard at the sports for schools event. We loved meeting James Denny too!

Wallets and purses , by Mrs Pratten

Date: 25th May 2016 @ 9:49pm

It has been a labour of love but we are beginning to finish our money containers and they look amazing! Some great ideas and neat sewing!

Workout time!, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 25th May 2016 @ 9:46pm

The Bears were put through their paces during our sponsored event, lots of effort and tired children at the end! We enjoyed listening to James talk to us about his diving experiences.

Arts week - 3D wire sculpturing, by Mrs Pratten

Date: 25th May 2016 @ 9:39pm

We looked at different sports in the Olmpics, searched for an image and then had a go at sketching our chosen athlete, then it was time to use the wire! The children showed  great effort and determination to complete  their projects and there were tricky skills to master, bending and shaping, twisting, attaching to name a few. The children were very proud of their finished projects and rightly so!

Mid week update, by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 25th May 2016 @ 7:41pm

Today has flown by. Our first activity was an assembly where we went through the dance we will be doing after half term with the rest of the school. Back in class we learnt lots of facts about Brazil. We found it very interesting that the country was named after the brazilwood tree and that half of Brazil is actually a jungle! 

Our main activity today was to work in the style of the Brazillian artist Romero Britto . His work is pop art and is very bright and bold. We experimented in our art books and then created our designs in paper. Now we are using collage to recreate the bright colours. Mrs Parker came and helped us start our collage work, it was great to have her in class. 

This afternoon we worked with Sandye and made wonderful wool people and went into reception to see some ducklings and pheasant chicks, they were very cute. 


Chicks in school....., by Mrs Hothersall

Date: 25th May 2016 @ 3:37pm

Max's mum has very kindly brought ducklings and pheasant chicks into the penguin class for us to look at.

Tigers helping out, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 25th May 2016 @ 1:49pm

Tigers helped to tidy up our school along with other classes. We had great leaders, organisers and workers. Great team work. 

Arts week- tigers , by Mrs Moxham

Date: 25th May 2016 @ 1:46pm

Great day had by all in the Tigers. Sandye came in to show us how we could create a wool person. Ours were all unique and personal to us. 

Wonderful music , by Mrs Moxham

Date: 25th May 2016 @ 1:45pm

A brilliant arts week session with Mrs Bates and Grace Thomson who came in to play the flute and share music and composing. 

Year Six Girls Cricket Tournament., by Mrs Thomson

Date: 25th May 2016 @ 12:13pm

On Wednesday 18th May, a group of eight year six girls went to a cricket tournament in Penwortham. When they arrived the officials decided to delay the matches due to the pouring rain. However, the sun soon came out!                                          For their first match they played Leverhouse primary school. Longton won. Then they played Mosside and also won their second match. Their final game was played against Little Hoole. Longton had their third win. Unfortunately our team did not win the game in the semi final heat. This did not dampen their spirits and in the final game Longton year six had a glorious win to secure third place in the whole tournament. Bronze medals were awarded to Jasmine, Erin W,  Ella, Verity,  Erin F, Grace, Ellie and Tilly.

By Jasmine and Erin W.

Arts Week Wednesday, by Mr Monckton

Date: 25th May 2016 @ 11:28am

Today we have been transported to Rio. We have been making a collage of the Olympic stadium and also spent time in the technology room making a traditional Brazilian 'Brigadero'. We also had an impromptu flute concert from Mrs Bolton and the children who had spent the afternoon in a flute workshop. It has been another great adventure for the Kangaroos as we learn more about Brazil in time for the olympics. 

Art week 1, by Mrs Hothersall

Date: 24th May 2016 @ 9:13pm

We have been learning about Romero Britto a Brazilian artist. We have been trying out our art skills to make pictures in the style of Romero....

Bags for life!, by Mr Coxhead

Date: 24th May 2016 @ 4:36pm

This week, Year 6 are creating their own 'bag for life'. They have been using tracing paper to transfer a silhouette image on to their bags. They'll then paint the image in black using a fine paint brush,

These are still work in progress for now...

Arts Week Tuesday, by Mr Monckton

Date: 24th May 2016 @ 2:36pm

We have had a great day today, the kangaroos have been transported to the rainforest to complete our work on Rousseau's rainforest. We also had a fantastic time with our visiting athlete James Denny and we all completed our fitness circuit. 

Finally a massive thank you to Sandye for coming in this afternoon to help make our wool Olympic mascots.

We all can't wait for what tomorrow will bring. 

Sports For Schools Event , by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 24th May 2016 @ 2:17pm

This morning we welcomed Tony our sportivator and GB diver James Denny into school. The first part of the morning was spent with each class  completing their circuit challenge. It was an amazing sight seeing every child exercising with a huge smile. The atmosphere in the hall was electric! Our fantastic sports leaders helped to run the event and they did an amazing job.

Once all of the circuits were complete we had an assembly. James spoke about his journey to becoming a Team GB diver. He talked about effort and positive thinking. He also told the children lots of interesting facts about his sport. It was great to get the chance to see the silver medal he won at the 2014 Commonwealth competing with Tom Daly in the 10m synchronised event. James also demonstrated how to do a back somersault and a handstand on the edge of the stage.

It  was a FANTASTIC morning at Longton Primary 

Great fun with the Tigers with their sports challenge , by Mrs Moxham

Date: 24th May 2016 @ 1:14pm

Team GB Diver, by Mr Pearson

Date: 24th May 2016 @ 11:46am