Our blogs
This weeks learning, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 30th Jan 2020 @ 5:02pm
This week the Koalas have been building on their understanding of place value using bundles of straws to help.Lots of partner work, making numbers and counting to work them out.
We have also carried on with our animal topic learning all about fish, having to to sorting different animals to find the fish, Mrs Pratten tried to trick us but we were too smart!
We had fun today with our football skills, kicking, dribbling and trapping different sized balls and kicking though a target.
We have really enjoyed looking at all the fantastic projects , lovely to see how proud the children are and they are amazing so a big thank you for all your support.
Dint forget our treat afternoon tomorrow πππππππ
Jam Coding, by Miss Reynolds
Date: 28th Jan 2020 @ 2:49pm
Today jam coding came to our school and spent time with year 5 and 6. They helped us to make online safety animations using stop motion. Everyone was put into groups of 3 and worked together to make our animated safety messages . Everyone had a great time and we learnt a lot. Hopfullysoon we will be putting some pictures of all the fun we had.
by Grace
Investigating shadows, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 27th Jan 2020 @ 10:08pm
Today we explored shadows further. How do we make a shadow bigger/ smaller?
Chinese New Year, by Mrs Hothersall
Date: 25th Jan 2020 @ 8:43am
We have had a lovely few days finding out about the Chinese New Year. We made dragons, tapped a beat and did a dragon dance and made special red packets and put a gold coin in. Kung Hey Fat Choy !
Charity - Australia fundraising, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 24th Jan 2020 @ 7:50pm
Thankyou to everyone who donated their loose change to our Australian fire campaign. This afternoon the children covered a map of Australia and the words adopt a koala. The coins covered it all perfectly.
Linda will be adding it all up next week and then I’ll let you know the total.
Thank you again.
Wolves in the Wall - wolf party, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 24th Jan 2020 @ 7:46pm
We have been really enjoying our book for this half term ‘Wolves in the Wall.’ Today the story took an unsuspecting turn, the wolves who had been portrayed as vicious were found eating jam and popcorn, dancing around and watching TV. We had our own Wolf party to celebrate this turn of events and create our own party food vocabulary.
Harris Museum - Stone Age Trip., by Mrs Catterall
Date: 24th Jan 2020 @ 7:34pm
On Tuesday we had a fantastic day at the Harris museum. We started off by exploring the museum, especially the open art exhibition. We had a story in the library, Mr Majeka - I told the children that when I was little this was a TVProgramme. We have watched the first episode back in class, we loved it. I’m going to get some more of the stories for the classroom.
After lunch we attended a workshop all about the Stone Age, we were archaeologists digging for bones. We found enough for a skeleton, but what animal was it. We read fact cards about different animals and decided it was an elk. In the museum we saw a skeleton of an elk which was found near Poulton le Fylde. We looked at some skulls believed to be of a Stone Age man and woman and other artefacts from the Stone Age and Bronze Age.
The children were amazing and asked lots of great questions.
Week ending 24 Jan, by Mr Pearson
Date: 24th Jan 2020 @ 1:16pm
At the start of the week in our maths lesson we did our division and multiplication method however the questions had remainders in the answers. We have been focussing on our times tables as well. Please check out the maths section of our class page for links to some amazing resources to help you learn them.
In our English lessons this week, we planned our ideal weekend we were given a temporary pen license, which is why we had to write it in ink.
In our topic lesson we were learning all about the digestive system on.
In our grammar lessons in our weekly spellings which are ‘guardian, guide, guitar, guilty, guest, guard, guarantee, guinea pig, guillotine guess’
In our French lesson, we watched a three little pig video in French and in music we have playing our recorders and have been learning time table songs.
In sport we did some running techniques and used the running track. We the had Mark the cricket coach in to give advice how to throw and hit the wicket.
Times table test website, by Mr Pearson
Date: 23rd Jan 2020 @ 11:49am
Dear Parents
As you will be aware in June this year all Year 4 children will be assessed on their times tables knowledge. This means that your child will need to be fluent in all of the times tables up to 12 x 12.
To prepare for the assessment our maths homework for the immediate future will be to learn a focus times table each week. The children will need to know the answers in a random order and not just be able to count on, as in the test the children only have 6 seconds to answer each question. We will assess the children on a Tuesday in the back of their maths homework book to enable you to keep a check on how your child is progressing. We would hope all children would score full marks, however any child who makes several errors will keep that times tables focus for the following week. Your support in this matter is invaluable and will benefit your child greatly as they progress through school.
This is the website we will be using to practice for the test in June
Harris Museum Trip, by Mrs Hothersall
Date: 21st Jan 2020 @ 8:13pm
We have had a lovely day at the Harris museum.
Seed dispersal, by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 21st Jan 2020 @ 2:32pm
This afternoon the children have once again been scientists. They have been learning about seed dispersal and then had fun making sycamore seeds which are an example of a helicopter seed that disperses in the wind .
Penguin's spellings 20 Jan, by Mr Pearson
Date: 20th Jan 2020 @ 8:01am
This weeks spelling focus is words that begin with 'gu' including the following
guide |
guitar |
guard |
guidebook |
guest |
guardian |
guarantee |
guess |
Week ending 17 Jan , by Mr Pearson
Date: 19th Jan 2020 @ 5:22pm
This week has been check up week and we have competed tests in maths, reading and grammar, punctuation and spelling.
This week in English we learnt all about complex sentences on Monday, we have also been looking at inverted commas. We then used a short film based on the Romans to write our story.
We have studied how the Romans built their roads and the reasons why.
We have been learning our lines and songs for our class assembly.
In this week’s maths lesson, we have been learning a lot about fractions of amounts for example 7/10 of 60 = 42. We keep learning and practising our times tables this week we are focusing on 8’s
Moving on to French, we learnt all about the 8 rooms in the house learnt in French.
Instead of P.E maths we did drama and retold the story of snow white, then did our own story to not talk to strangers.
On Friday we presented our class assembly based on our topic the Romans. Everyone agreed it was great acting and singing and we shared our knowledge with parents and the rest of the school.
Fraction Pizzas, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 17th Jan 2020 @ 7:50pm
Today we explored finding a quarter of numbers to fill our pizza with toppings.
Class Assembly, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 17th Jan 2020 @ 7:46pm
Well done on an amazing assembly Penguins. We all learnt lots of facts about the Romans.
Mrs Catterall
3D shapes, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 17th Jan 2020 @ 7:44pm
We have been exploring our new resources by making and describing 3D shapes.
Fantastic start to 2020, by Mrs Hothersall
Date: 17th Jan 2020 @ 6:41pm
The Pandas have started the New Year with a fantastic mindset. We are focusing on storytelling, reading and writing. Take a look at some of the activities we have been up to.
Food Fair , by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 17th Jan 2020 @ 3:55pm
Well done Giraffes on your successful Food Fair
Foody fractions, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 17th Jan 2020 @ 3:51pm
Today we enjoyed a foody fractions session. We chopped up cakes into halves and quarters and saw how the pieces became smaller as we chopped it up, especially into thirtieths! We got into groups of 4 to divide a whole kitkat into halves and then quarters, of course the best part was eating the kitkatππππ
Royal Learning , by Mrs Fletcher
Date: 17th Jan 2020 @ 2:56pm
Today we have started to learn the history of the British Monarchy . King Thomas of London and Queen Cara of Cardiff have had a coronation . Say your elephant what their royal name is .
This week!, by Miss Reynolds
Date: 16th Jan 2020 @ 3:12pm
This week it has been check up week, we have done a maths test, a G.P.S test and a reading test. It has been hard work but we all did really well and we are prepearing for are sats next year.
In maths we have been doing perimiter, which some of us found hard work but some of us mastered it, sometimes we had too work out the missing sides but sometimes we just had to add it up it was quite tricky to notice the sides that were missing and miss reynalds had to keep reminding us it wasd not too scale. Now we are just about to start learning about graphs wich alot of us find hard. In topic (like in maths) we have been doing line graphs about the weather and temperature.
In R.E we have learnt about budism and its story. Siddhartha is the man that became the first budda and he found out what its like outside of the palace and foun out we all die at some point
Shadows - what makes a good shadow?, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 13th Jan 2020 @ 10:21pm
Today we explored shadows. We were trying to discover which material would make the best shadow. We know our bodies are good at making shadows - we watched the clip from Britain’s Got Talent of the group of people who used their bodies to make shadows to tell an emotional story.
We tried different materials to make shadows using our puppet theatre, observing which made the best shadow. We explored how much light would travel through different materials. We used the data loggers to see how much light came through different materials. This helped us discover if the material was transparent, translucent or opaque.
We concluded that the best shadows were made by opaque materials as they didn’t let light pass through them.
Cricket session 1, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 13th Jan 2020 @ 10:14pm
Our first cricket session, we braved the cold and went outside to practise our hitting skills. Can you remember all the tips Mark gave you?
Spelling Phonics, by Mrs Catterall
Date: 13th Jan 2020 @ 10:12pm
As well as learning the year 3/4 spelling words we are refreshing our memory of phonics. We have been on a word hunt around the classroom to find and sort words which have the a phoneme. This can be spelt ea, ay, a_e, ai, ey, aigh, eigh. Keep a look out for them when reading.
A fantastic first week back!, by Mrs Pratten
Date: 10th Jan 2020 @ 3:45pm
The Koalas have settled back really well and have been fantastic learners this week.
We have enjoyed the story No Thank You! all about animals getting the wrong food. We had to order the animals and give them a name.Today we thought of our own animals and used our imaginations to feed them some funny food!
We have also been thinking about finding half and have learnt that half is 2 pieces which have to be the same. We even did chocolate fractions and had to try to half a twix with our partner, the best bit was eating the twix, unlucky if you had smaller piece and didn’t quite make it a half!
We have also been learning about mammals and other animals and where they live, we used a map of the world to help us. We know there are 7 continents I wonder if the Koalas can remember what they are...?